bit rate, mastering and the loudness wars...


Oct 20, 2008
Hell-ay, CA
I'm trying to put together my first "single" for my music project. i've done demos in the past, with decent enough results... but am really trying to take things to the next level. that saying however, needs to be taken with a grain of salt as i'm still DIY'ing it in my apartment.

anyways, as i'm getting over the hilltop and starting to see an end in sight for the first track... i'm beginning to fall prey to the loudness wars. i mean, part of me wants to say, screw it, i'll take dynamics and balance over volume. but another part of me thinks, well the track is blatantly amateurish because its not as loud as a standard song. and, couple that with the fact that when you put it online and they lower the bit rate (ie - myspace, etc), it'll just be exaggerated.

so....i say all that, to ask this:

1. Will it make a difference if i track in 16 vs 24? Will that make the track more dynamic and give it more headroom to be louder? I currently track everything in 16bit on my old school Mbox 1. Is that holding me back?

2. If i pay for mastering, would that bring the loudness up for me in a way that keeps my mix balanced, but makes it bang with the rest of them?

dont get me wrong, i dont expect to get the same sound as the pro's from my little apartment setup, however, i just wanna do all i can to get the most from my tracks at the moment. i'm sure thats what everyone else here wants too... we're just all at diff levels (experience, equipment, etc).
Pretty much everyone here records at 24-bit for the increased dynamic range (which in of itself isn't too useful for metal, obviously, but it means there's a lower noise floor, which is of course better), and 44.1 khz. And you'll definitely have better luck paying for mastering, and if you use the services of one of the guys here (Brett, Lasse, ArtGarceau) I'm sure you'll get a reasonable price!

Oh, and when recording at 24-bit and bouncing to 16, always remember to dither.
Yea, i had read in several places that for music like metal/hard rock, you wouldnt even hear a difference in from 24 vs 16. i was wondering how true it was or not. I guess going forward, I will make that switch... just to be safe. and yes, i'm hoping that getting the tracks mastered will help with the loudness factor. not that i want to join the loudness escalation that bands have been doing... but when your track needs to be turned up everytime it comes on the mp3 player, it does feel a little ghetto...

thanks again for your input! while i've been mixing my own demos at home for a couple years now, "finishing" a single is all new ground for me. wish i had a budget to take it to some pros... but you know how that goes
Can I please have someone PM me some email contacts of good mastering fellas on this Forum.. Cos I'm looking for someone who really knows metal balence!!!