Bitter Metallic Side

The Bringer

Dec 8, 2003
British Columbia, Canada
I was just listening to the demo of it off the website again (I first heard it when you guys first released it) and I have a question. Since it was recorded so long ago did you make any changes to the song or does the finished version still sound like the demo? Because I love that little clip.
Charmiss said:
I've heard the new version both live and from the new album. It is awesome! I love it!
Actually I loved the whole album but that's nothing new :)

Wait, am I reading this right? You've already heard the new album?
Explain :OMG:
I have a special priviledge to know some of the members. That's how. I just didn't want to brag about it. :)
I heard the album 7th of january. And TBW sounds awesome!!! It's definitely Kalmah's best album so far. These guys just get better and better every time. The album is worth waiting for, believe me!
np: Diablo - Condition Red
Bastard, ill kidnap your cat and ask for a copy of the black waltz in return...! :headbang:

Yea, bitter metallic slide sample is good but i prefered Infernal Death by far!! Why isn't it on the new album?? I NEED the full version of this song, my life depends on it :cry:
Oh please, do not kidnap my Ransu ;)
I think mr. Kalmah has already told in another thread that Infernal Death IS in TBW, it just hides under a different name. :)

*edit: just checked*
Kalmah said:
No female vocals. The Black Waltz is brand new song, not reuse of Ancestor`s, and Infernal Death title has changed to Groan of Wind.
So there you go ;)

And to clearify I do not have my own copy of the album. I have just heard it once at my friends' place.

But the one time was enough for me to tell, that you guys will go insane as you hear it! At least I did. :D
Charmiss said:
I think mr. Swamplord has already told in another thread that Infernal Death IS in TBW, it just hides under a different name. :)
Yeaaaa, that's the kind of answer i wanted to hear!!!

Charmiss said:
And to clearify I do not have my own copy of the album. I have just heard it once at my friends' place.

Bullshit, i know you say this so your house doesn't get robbed by a bunch of kalmah-thirsty metalheads attracted to naked cats called Ransu. We'll find it!! :D
Check also my post before, there is a quote of Kalmah from thread Studio Diary. It included the information you wanted to know.
I am not offending you, but sometimes I think that the nowaday fans just don't follow the threads very carefully... Or the homepages. And then they keep asking same questions in every thread.
(Between the off-topic comments of CoB or Norther ;) )
*just wanted to nag, I'm a bitch, I know*
Well, i gotta appreciate your quest for TRUE FANS :p but i did look for the information. I searched the forum for the word infernal and they gave me 4 threads witch were not giving the information. Don't blame me, blame the search engine... Only 4 threads? what the hell ... And btw i'm really offended, keep yur eyes on yur cat at all time :D