Bitter Metallic Side

its missing everything to be kalmah's best, one of the best songs? its an average song i would listen to a few times but that its. 5/10 at best.
Haha, to clarify, yes,I meant the best Kalmah song that I have heard so far...which do you all think is the best Kalmah song? I actually have only listened to a few.
Can't name best song, although I had Hades for best song but then there are other songs, but Bitter Metallic Side is just fucking special and it is one of the best, it's nearly perfect but just needs a good Antti Kokko signature solo =D still it's one of the best and I can listen to it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again!
Bitter Metallic Side is totally kickass but can by no means be the best Kalmah song. I can't say what my favorite song is, its just too damn hard to choose.
Here's my top songs though, not in any particular order.

Heroes To Us
They Will Return
The Blind Leader
To The Gallows
The Black Waltz
Time Takes Us All
The whole "Swamplord" album but especially Evil In You and Hades

In the end, I love all Kalmah songs anyway.:kickass:
It's a 5/10 compared to other Kalmah songs, in the overall scheme of things comparing it to other songs from other bands, its 8/10 at least. Really cool vocals at one point, they should've used more of those high pitched ones.
they fucked it up at exactly :48 the sample they had on the page before they released it just sounded alot better and it had the old vocals with a mix of high and low. these lows get soooo BORING. TBW is by far the most boring album but still kicks ass
i like all songs on TBW more or less equally.
the new aggression in the sound is just devastating :D

the weakest songs kalmah released so far are on They Will Return, imho – the lyrics however are good.
Bitter Metallic Side is a badass song, i love the chorus...'so great the sea, so small your boat...' yea all of that is hella tight, but yea the other albums are by far better. Evil in You on swamplord is badass, as is alteration, hades, and dance of the water...they will return is even better with hollow heart, principle hero, human fates, and kill the idealist, one of my all time favs...and swampsong is also awesome with heroes to us, moon of my nights, the third the magical, and man with mystery, also one of my yeah while the black waltz has its moments, nothing compares to what their last 3 cds had unfortunately
FromHereToDeath said:
I agree with Opacity on his views of "They Will Return".

I agree too, They will return never really had a lot of attention compared to Swampsong and Swamplord. However, i don't think we will get much approval for our opinion.