bizzare song themes in metal


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
ok, so the other day I was blasting Piranha from Exodus in the car ... and got to think ... this is a song about a fish ... wtf? :lol: ... a metal song about a fish no less.

what other strange ones have you come across?
ukrainians, jews, guys who like to dress up in spikes and walk around in the forest...

even the most usual metal themes are probably the most bizarre
this next song...
It ain't about no goldfish [borobomp!]
It ain't about no tunafish [bararabosch!]
And it ain't about no trout! [barabarabarabarabarabarabarKSHH!!]
du dururdudu du du DUDU
and I am going to say it again for the umpteenth time and it will fall on deaf ears ... the live Exodus record from the late 90's is ONE OF THE BEST LIVE RECORDS EVER !!!!!!!!!!!
What's that group that Doomcifer loved but then sold their album like 2 weeks later? It was called Big Box of Shit or something. They had some pretty out there themes if I remember correctly.


LUGUBRUM! :kickass:
What's that group that Doomcifer loved but then sold their album like 2 weeks later? It was called Big Box of Shit or something. They had some pretty out there themes if I remember correctly.

I believe that was the title of the album that had that Mammal Sauce song on it. As for other bizarre/unique themes (not including deliberately humorous ones), I'd say Nile's Egypt fixation and HOM doing an album styled after a medieval morality play count...and Mastodon basing half an album around Moby Dick...