Black Forbidden Maleficium

That's's about inquisition!
The chief magistrate who's mentioned through the whole album is blamed for doing "evil" things but he's obviously innocent (just read the dialogue of "The source of pain" - there you have the inquisitor and the victim). The album tells the story of that he's treated and how he's suffering.
The first 6 songs are based on a historical event, besides one thing. This magistrate was really decapitated instead of burned at the stake. Morgana changed it, because it should be more metal! =) The remaining songs are fiction.

This is one of my all-time favorite albums too, it's just simply great! Saw the video of the title song on swedish TV a time ago. Really cool!!!
Originally posted by Sleepwalker
My wristband is purple. =) Ower the weekend were I in Edsbyn, very close to Lefay's hometown Bollnäs. The snow was not purple, rather yellow... =)

hm, if the snow was yellow in Edsbyn, sure it was purple in Bollnäs...
Originally posted by West Virginia Mule
The snow here in West Virginia is a slushy brownish-gray.

I was looking at the paint store for some nice violet house paint. Surely, that will get the guys to America? To see a purple house with the Lefay logo on the side of it??:s :spin: :rolleyes:

how about getting a purple avatar first? :grin:

Edit: you can use the purple hourglass if ya like. :)