Black lion audio

Mar 11, 2005
Has anyone on here had any of their gear modded by this company?

Ive been looking at new convertors for a while and was directed here. Im currently running a MOTU 24I/O and an Ultralite.

Has anyone had the mod done? How does it compare to more top end gear?

Welcome To Black Lion Audio
Never heard of the company but the idea is killer! i just sent them an e-mail telling them they need to look into modding Firepods.
apparently once this mods done I wont need to think about RME at all. Wordclock on par with apogee and convertors on par with the current pro tools gear
LSD-Studio said:
just buy RME converters and you don't have to think about it

Rofl, +1

Seriously though, their mod for the 002R makes a huge difference. Everyone that I've encountered that's had it done says it's more than worth the cost.

I have the MOTU 24i/o as well. What is this mod? I wanna void my warranty too.:heh:

The mod is on the link in my first post. Its basically replacing the analogue end of the 24 i/o giving a cleaner path to the convertors and replacing the word clock generator with something a bit tighter. I was hoping someone on here might have heard the difference first hand before I pay £400 to have it done myself.