Black Lodge

Your biggest secret is one you can't keep
Lift up your head if you're only asleep
You try to hold onto reason
Why can't you see that you're leaving?
My love for you knows no distance
But it can't fight your resistance

I am a witness to your demise

:headbang: Fuckin' love that song!

And Jenna Elfman is all kinds of fine. I'm not usually into chicks who need to eat a sammich, but I'd tap her like a keg o' beer.:Smug:
bellyofthebeast20 said:
i dont like that song
Everybody on this board know that you dont like Post 93 Anthrax. You dont have to say it on every topic. You're a pain in the ass, it's boring, and some people have great things to say, so, STFO, go see your mom and lets us talk between adults. :yuk:
GregadetH said:
And Jenna Elfman is all kinds of fine.

Yes, she´s a vewy pwetty lady. But that Scientology shit scares me. Good looking people in general always seem to have a lot of quirks and attitude problems. Most hotties I know have them, I don´t know if it´s an ego thing or maybe they aren´t comfortable with themselves.
with a name like black lodge.... i wish they'd been a lot more twin peaks with the badalamenti style chords at the beginning, theres not a lot of reference .esp by the time the chorus comes around......
I do like the song, the chours is outstanding,plenty of hooks in it,but it does sound like a song Belladonna could sing. I wonder if this song was written before Joey B. left
Great song, saw them do it live on many tours, shame we'll probably never see it again. Great video too, and perhaps the last Anthrax single to get lots of airplay on radio and at MTV. 93-94 was pretty much the end for metal as we knew it. Somehow Pantera and White Zombie weathered the storm, but their following was eerily redneck.
no i had a friend ruin it

"your biggest secret is that you fuck sheep"
The funnier still is he re wrote all the lyrics perfectly
I suprised to see he even had SOWN

( no offense to any body in W V) but some how the skittles comercial is not right the 2 sheep boys discussing the "new creamy flavors" the farmer in the back yells "Hey you 2 sheep boys aint suppos to be talkin get to work" and some how I KEEP THINKING
Black Lodge is my fave song off of SOWN. I wouldn't have gotten into the Bush-era Anthrax if it weren't for that tune. Now JB's 'thrax is some of my favorite stuff to play out of any band I listen to, and mind you I have well around 700 discs.

So this song fucking rules.