Barking Pumpkin said:
Black Metal generally has a more complex atmosphere than death metal. That's what he's trying to say, he just makes it sound really complex.
oh I thought he was saying the instrumentation was more complex I was like :OMG: this guy could'nt be a musician. and he also bashed metal in general. but if thats what he meant than I don't even know what to think :hypno:
thats so true, i could bet that almost everyone that has posted here giving their opinion about black metal or death metal hasnt even listen to it like they should to be talking like that, thats really what pisses me off, they maybe giving an opinion, but u cant do it if u know everything, or at leats pretty much, about the topic.
ThornsOfSorrow said:
Nope, it was intended for the person that you quoted in your post (from the black metal forum).
yeah that guy is a total fucking idiot, but I can't tell him that because he is a moderater and I'll be banned*lol*

and if you read some of his other posts he says that "Metal" is simple structured and that "blackmetal" isn't really metal because it's more "complex".

and he says "deathmetal" could'nt comprehend "blackmetals" superiority.

I don't know what he's been smoking but blackmetal does'nt have very many "top-tier" musicians where as in genres like "metal" and "Deathmetal" there are plenty to be found.

I like blackmetal but I can't let that shit fly.
I would agree that he doesn't know what he's talking about, although I think it's true that black metal has a more complex atmosphere than death metal, since often the atmosphere is the focus, and creating a certain atmosphere, as opposed to riff-writing.

People like that who seem to have the idea that black metal (or any genre) created everything we know in music and have no context annoy me.
Blackmetal elitists are funny. Lets remind everyone what they're considering "musically superior" to other forms of metal:

arglebargle said:
Arcturus' first album is black metal influenced, but the rest of their stuff is straight up experimental/prog.

I consider Arcturus a part of the post-black scene, which is like the best thing to happen to music ever. They are progressive and experimental though.
Barking Pumpkin said:
I consider Arcturus a part of the post-black scene, which is like the best thing to happen to music ever. They are progressive and experimental though.

So how would you define post-black metal? Just curious here.

Yngvai X--that pic was one of my favorites. SO funny! :Spin:
Yngvai X said:
Blackmetal elitists are funny. Lets remind everyone what they're considering "musically superior" to other forms of metal:

I love blackmetal, I just can't stand the elitest idiots!