Metropolis Part 2 said:
I don't really like Russell Allen THAT much, maybe that is why I like a lot of other bands better. If it was me, I'd prefer a Geoff Tate or a Tony Kakko over Russell Allen just for the reason I like higher registers better.

I don't know if you know this, but Russel Allen sings just as high as James LaBrie, so maybe you just like male voices that don't sound like men singing. Case in point, the middle of DWoT. Russel sings a high F or F#5 at about 11:00 or 12:00 there abouts. That is just as high as James sings in Learning to LIve.
(I know you didn't mention him as singers you like more than Russel, but the fact that his voice does sound like it's in a higher register, your screen name, and the fact that I could give a note example of how high each sings made me think you'd be alright with the comparison.)
True. Higher registers are equally attainable by other vocalists like Angra's Edu Falaschi and David (forgot his surname, sorry =() from Adagio. The vocalist from Rhapsody also comes to mind.
Russell's voice just sounds boring and generic to me. I'm sorry but James Labrie has at least one to one and a half more octaves than Russ. Russ is powerful, yes, but his power is overrated, James in fact sings MORE POWERFUL than Russell Allen.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
Russell's voice just sounds boring and generic to me. I'm sorry but James Labrie has at least one to one and a half more octaves than Russ. Russ is powerful, yes, but his power is overrated, James in fact sings MORE POWERFUL than Russell Allen.
ok. i've been restraining this for a while, but after seeing your numerous posts in this forum regarding DT and SX... are you a troll? you seem to have nothing but bashing to say about SX. if that's the case: have a blast. they love DT over there. i'm just getting the slightest bit annoyed at seeing "DT pisses all over SX" every time your name pops up.
Ok, if You want me to say a nice thing about Symphony X, here it goes. Divine Wings of Tragedy is ONE HELL OF A MASTERPIECE. Jason Rullo is an amazing drummer!!! and Symphony X has some of the world's most talented musicians. There you go, have fun.
I'm not sure you got what I said, so i'll say it again.

Russ has the same range as James.

I even gave an example, you can scroll up if you need it for assurance.

I'll say it again....

Russ has the same range as James. Not an ocave and a half lower......the same.

Russel's voice is just more powerful sounding, which we associate with a lower chest voice, but he manages it even up high, which is one reason why he is such a special vocalist.

I don't want this to sound like ganing up on you, with the previous posts and all. It might just be a coincidence that every conversation you state you're opinion which happens to be that DT is better, but it doesn't really matter to me, I just don't like it when people respond to something without reading all of it.
Lets see this thread went from a disscussion about black metal to a discussion about balls and ended with a discussion about dream theater vs. symphony x. So let me help us get back on topic.

i dont like black metal how about you?
I've liked some black metal i've heard at a friends place a few years back...i just don't know what they were called because their band logo was undecipherable...i'm sure he told me who they were but i don't remember....and i like some Dimmu but as a whole it is not a genre i have much interest in getting into as most of it is just shit...under talented, under produced shit....that is based off listening to it on metal radio shows for the last 10 or more years.
I have never met someone who likes ALL types of metal. Generally, someone either likes black/death/grind or prog/power/doom with thrash someplace in between and either side hates the other.
Beelzebub said:
I have never met someone who likes ALL types of metal. Generally, someone either likes black/death/grind or prog/power/doom with thrash someplace in between and either side hates the other.
so far i like everything. still trying to get into black metal.
I like Dimmu Borgir..a little bit.

So far, most of the bands that I like and think are black metal actually miss the mark, like Arcturus and Borknagar. Yup, I don't know much about the subgenre, so here I lay, awaiting chastisement. *evilgrin*
You're wrong, Beelzebub. I like Black/Power/Folk/Folk Black.

Your "under talented" comment is unfair IMO. Just becuase their not gods of their instruments, doesn't mean they aren't good.
You say you listened to it on metal radio shows for 10 years, and yet you hate it. Surley if you hate it you would listen to something else on the radio.
As for under produced, i'm not going to argue, the quality of recording on alot of black metal is very poor, but despite this, i still like the over all affect.
Black metal is so poorly produced because it has to have that crappy quality aspect to it so it sounds all underground and kvlt. Either that or the fjords and forests must have really bad studios.

Music is meant to be heard, I hate the mentality some metallers have where it's like if more than three people have heard of a band then they aren't "kvlt" or "true" or whatever.
Hehe, I know what you mean. Burzum especially, their quality is terrible, but it does add a certain something to the band. But, the one thing that makes me dislike them, is their singer. He's awful :D

Remember, not ALL black metal is poorly produced, although it's the least black of black metal that isn't...Take Borgir, Old Man's Child etc.

As for the last part of your post, I have to say, Well said :)
Your "under talented" comment is unfair IMO. Just becuase their not gods of their instruments, doesn't mean they aren't good.

Of all the genres of metal, as a whole, black metal has the poorest level of musicianship....of course there are exceptions...but thats how i here it and see it.

You say you listened to it on metal radio shows for 10 years, and yet you hate it. Surley if you hate it you would listen to something else on the radio

Radio in Australia is crap. Its not like the USA where you can tune into purely/metal channels. We have one national show that plays once a week for 3 hours really late at night that plays everything from Motley Crue to Nile and everything inbetween...but its probably 70% or more death/black/extreme metal.
I usually listen to it to hear some new stuff, news, interviews etc. Sure beats the alternative.
Beelzebub said:
I have never met someone who likes ALL types of metal. Generally, someone either likes black/death/grind or prog/power/doom with thrash someplace in between and either side hates the other.

Yep, I'm usually stuck in the Prog/Power side of things and oh yea sometimes Thrash and Death.
Beelzebub said:
I have never met someone who likes ALL types of metal. Generally, someone either likes black/death/grind or prog/power/doom with thrash someplace in between and either side hates the other.

Er, no, I know many people who like all types of metal.