Rose Immortal said:
Dude...I know it's a totally infantile joke, but you've got to be careful with how you phrase that... ;)

yeah tr00 black metal fans and bands hate being called gay, in fact I think that Bard Faust(Emperor) got 12 yrs for killing a gay guy.
That Bard Faust guy sounds like a real loser. Not to mention a freaking moron.

Further examples of why I hate the black-metal mentality.
Metropolis Part 2 said:
and all they do is convince 16 year old angsty teens my age to REBEL!! wonder you such a dt fanboy, you probably once listened to crap and then realized that there was better music out there and while disowning crappy regular metal you disowned all regular metal and passed it off as cheesy(dragonforce), and decided that prog was the only good music in existence, yes I was once that way so its understandable for one who is recovering from black metal syndrome (the crappy music I listened to was black metal), when I discovered dream theater I disowned all other types of metal as being symplistic however I have come out of the fanboy stage and learned to love all types of metal (except black and nu metal). Ill go easy on you next time you go on your DT OWNZ YE ALL speeches.

btw this is only speculation on my part
@wayne- I never really listened to Black Metal that much, I had a couple of BM cds, they were horrible.

and decided that prog was the only good music in existence

- Umm... I think I listen to a lot more than Progressive Metal. Jazz, Fusion Jazz, Metal (Except for Nu and Black), Classical and Prog Rock.

The point is that DT is the best. I've listened to hundreds hundreds of cds and Images and Words/Scenes From A Memory are easily the best among the bunch.
Oh geez...

You need to get Opeth's "My Arms Your Herse" and sit on the floor with headphones on while it destroys your warped view of the musical world. Eventually you will reach a point of Zen like nothingness at which point you can reconstruct your shatterd musical soul in one of greater prefection.

Black metal and all Metal like it is inacessable. To lable it as noise is perhaps easier than taking the time to train your senses to be able to listen to it, but in the long run who is loosing out?

Alternativly you can continue to think Dream Theater is the best band in the world. If you are happy to never expand your horizons then go for it.
2 years ago I would have said Dream Theater is the best band in the world.

-But then I was introduced to so many amazing bands that I can no longer say such sweeping things. There are just so many fucking awesome bands out there. I seriously question your musical diversity Metropolis 2, from your own description it seems you listen to Prog, Classical, and Jazz. i think you really need to check out other stuff before you go passing off DT as "best band in the world no question". especially in Jazz, which you claim to be familiar with.

Check out some Alternative, some Rap, some Blues, some Death Metal... everything and anything people send your way without bias or predjudice. judge only after you've heard. i swear you will see the world of music with new eyes (ears? :lol: ).

point is: i know where you're coming from because 2 years ago i would have said exactly the things you are. but people forced me to check out stuff i normally wouldn't, and damn, i loved it.
Meh.....I think these arguments with metropolis are getting old. Metropolis If you think DT is better than SX than thats ok with me and I think you should be able to stay on this forum as you provide a.........lets say balance. But the point is, is that im tired and im ready to go to bed
Well, SIlent song, Dream Theater is the best Rock/Metal band according to me, you might not agree with it, but to me Images and Words/Scenes From A Memory are on the edge of perfection. I have not found any Rock/Metal bands that are better than DT. Some bands like Queensryche, Pain Of Salvation and Fates Warning comes close but anyways. I like Jazz very much, but I don't like it as much as Dream Theater of course. If Dream Theater played Jazz, I think they would do very well since all of the musicians in DT are great musicians.

Now Back to the Subject!