Black Metal bands like Lengsel?

Extol is obviously a lot like Lengsel, because it has some of the same members.
Ephel Duath is somewhat similar, at least on Phormula, just in the chaotic black metal sense.
FuckinShit said:
Dodheimsgard !!!!!!

(never heard Lengsel, but dod r the shitee!!)

Dødheimsgard are absolute mess compared to Lengsel!
Now, go listen to Lengsel damnit! Hehe... >:eek:)

Orion Crystal Ice said:
Lengsel's. Solace. Absolutely. Slays.


I hate the fact that they're not doing anything with
Lengsel anymore, instead they went on with this
rock thing + Extol.... :eek:/
Blackspirit said:
Dødheimsgard are absolute mess compared to Lengsel!

no way~~~~~~~~~~
dodheimsgard own every ass possible..
have YOU lIStened TO 666 InTeRnaTIONAL?!
Windir is rather similar in that they're fast and rather varied, but they're more viking-ish overall.

Dodheimsgard are rather amazing methinks. 666 International is one of my favorite somewhat black metal albums ever.
Don't fuckin g associate me with black metal as these faggots know it michael. If anyone these days know what black metal was we wouldn't have so much fucking gay music floating around. FAFNIR IS NOT BLACK METAL!