Does anybody besides me on here love Lengsel?


May 16, 2004
I don't want a flame war I just want some well, opinions... AND PLEASE REFRAIN FROM COMMENTING if you have never listened to the ENTIRE album (solace).

I don't like these guys because they're christian at all, in fact, many times it works the opposite for me... I shy away from christian metal because I'm afraid it'll be sub-par quality (as is often the case)... Lengsel are the only exception to this rule I have ever encountered.

I have met die hard athiests/anti-christians elsewhere who like Lengsel too, but I'm wondering if any of you people do.

Just curious.

For me well... heh, it's been in my top 3 albums for quite a while, despite my getting bored with alot of albums from my "early metal days" (melodic death swedish stuff), Lengsel is one of the few that's stayed true with me.
Haven't heard them. I have this question though: when you say a band is a christian band, is it because their lyrics are about christiannity and the greatness of some god or is it just because the members are christians?
Yeah, lots of bands have Christian members and refrain from pervading their music with their faith. Not that I have a problem with that, it's just that I tend to prefer pure secularization in music to prevent any ideological...'dispute.'

On topic, what little Lengsel I've heard is good, but I prefer Extol.

HAIL TURISAS! just because i promote the killing of christians, doesnt mean i cant appriciate music by christian bands lol
That's pretty gross dude. Just cause he's wearing a crusader cross hardly makes him a christian though ;)

Weird I don't like extol much at all...

Anyways to answer the lyrical question... Lengsel unlike many others don't have any obvious references to God in their lyrics... they actually have a song about death and another about hell (in a poetic way of course).

You wouldn't know they're christian.
The production doesnt bother me at all... listen to it on headphones though... sounds better. If annything the production adds to it... it is BM after all...