Does this make me a total douche?

Yeah I don't think I'd ever take someone's last smoke.

But then again I don't even smoke so I probably wouldn't even take one if it was a fresh pack.
theres tons of meth labs in vancouver, don't hear much about it in berlin, so *shrug*
Meth (ice) is pretty popular in SC.
That's some crazy piece of shit too... You might be not sleeping for about 5 days and feel numb if you take too much of it (or just regulary). It also destroys the fuck out of you (liver etc).
It's easier to get meth in this area than it is weed. I steer clear from that jive, especially after seeing what a friend was acting like after 2 days on the shit. Think paranoid psychotic schizophrenic, and multiply what you're thinking of by 12.
Meth (ice) is pretty popular in SC.
That's some crazy piece of shit too... You might be not sleeping for about 5 days and feel numb if you take too much of it (or just regulary). It also destroys the fuck out of you (liver etc).

I avoid(ed) all of that shit like the plague, for those reasons. I'll stick with the classics: drinking for my liver and smoking pot for my lungs(when I stumble upon it for free).
Cigarettes are like gold out here and everyone still shares. Last ciggs are always offered but almost always refused.
Exactly. Smoker's Etiquette:

If someone asks, give them one. If it is your last one, tell them, and they shall throw up reverse jazz hands and say "it's cool."
I'm starting to hand roll my cigarettes, it's much cheaper and I can hand that shit out like candy. And on Newports, if you consider them to be the worst cigarrette, then you clearly have yet to fully comprehend the wonders of the methols answer to Reds and you're a pussy.
am i to believe it's a north american phenomenon then?

tons of meth all over USA
didn't know if there's any in Canada, i've been told that there's almost no meth at all in Mexico/Central America/South America because these people prefer Cocaine
I remember when I was in high school a few friends and I convinced this younger lad that doing ecstasy would turn you gay.

"Damn are you serious?"
"Yea, it just happens. One minute your popping pills and dancing under strobe lights and the next minute, BAM your sleeping with the guy standing next to you."

it does make straight people gay...sort of
what it does is it makes you so fucking horny that, at that moment, you're suddenly willing to have sex with ANYone, just to be having a straight guy does x in a room crammed full of gay guys...
on the ciggarette thing
everyone i've ever met smokes cigarettes
the only people i've seen smoke Newports are black people
the non-black people hate the taste of Newports, but some of the black people only smoke Newports
i personnally don't smoke tabacco (i do use meth btw) but everyone i've ever met swears up and down that every individual brand tastes "unique" and each person has their favorite brand
it does make straight people gay...sort of
what it does is it makes you so fucking horny that, at that moment, you're suddenly willing to have sex with ANYone, just to be having a straight guy does x in a room crammed full of gay guys...

Uhhh... you've, like, tried E, right?
Fair call, still, doesn't sound anything like any E I have tried. The idea of being pincushioned by a bunch of sweaty dudes just doesn't really cross my mind when I'm high. Am I weird or something?
When I did E last weekend with a bunch a dudes and a few chicks. It was halirious watching my friends creep out the few pussies we had and all of them failed hard to get any action. None of them, however, resorted to indulging in the art of gay sex. I was lucky to have my girlfriend with me.