Does this make me a total douche?

its really a southern and western thing, but its slowly moving over. i met a lady who was in rehab for an entire year because of doing/dealing meth. a very sweet woman.

Yea, predominately. I meant that you can find it in just about every setting nowdays, from cities to farms and whatnot.
I'm pretty sure the Wal-Marts in Arkansas have a meth aisle.

Now everyone thinks I drive to New Mexico to pick up some meth.

But everyone knows I can get that right here in Bumfuck, Tennessee.
Can't it be made from easily obtainable items?

'Round these parts, every druggist has "Meth Watch" stickers on the door to scare away potential drug people.
My parent's hometown is on the meth capitols of the US, according to David Letterman. I can't find it online though.
the only meth lab EVER busted in CT was in my town. it's weird because this is a pretty small, woodsy area. i used to buy vicodin off of the offender's son back in high school :)
I'm shocked to hear of how widespread this drug really is. Why would anyone even consider it?
I actually just got some ex and a little acid, but I doubt I'll do the acid and will sell for an overwhelming amount of paper
The only thing I know about meth is that it's caused the annoying processes involved in buying Sudafed these days. Nuts to those methjerks!
I remember when I was in high school a few friends and I convinced this younger lad that doing ecstasy would turn you gay.

"Damn are you serious?"
"Yea, it just happens. One minute your popping pills and dancing under strobe lights and the next minute, BAM your sleeping with the guy standing next to you."
haha i did E a bunch of times but never at a rave. one time i ate one at the Dimmu/Nevermore/Cob show in olike '03 but it kinda took awhile to kick in and didnt really start hittin hard till we were leaving, so on the car ride i blasted Cruelty and the Beast and drove like 90mph all the way home and thought it was like the funnest time ever. E is pretty fun, but it fucks up your brain if you eat it too much or too often. havent done it in years, dont have a particular desire to, but i eat things that people hand me so who knows.
Cigarettes are like gold out here and everyone still shares. Last ciggs are always offered but almost always refused.