Black Metal Musicians Sentenced To 40 Years In Prison For Firing At Christian Buildin

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Born to Murder the World
May 23, 2002
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Nick Schou of the Orange County Weekly is reporting that two members of a black metal rock band whose lyrics call for the murder of all Christians were sentenced to a total of 40 years in state prison for firing seven shots at a building from a moving car — without causing a single death or injury.

Because the target of the attack was an evangelical Christian drug rehabilitation center, the incident was labeled a bona-fide hate crime, which automatically doubled the prison sentence in question.

On Jan. 19, a drive-by shooting occurred outside Teen Challenge, a Christian drug rehabilitation clinic in downtown Santa Ana, California. A few weeks later, police arrested two suspects, special-education teacher Raymond Shipley (photo) and Benito Contreras, both 22-year-old members of a Riverside-area black metal band SOL EVIL. Defense attorneys for the men claimed their clients were drunk and simply trying to scare a mutual friend, a former band member sleeping in the building when the shots were fired.

A major piece of evidence against the two suspects was an interview posted on the band's web site. In that interview, SOL EVIL lead singer Shipley (who went by the stage name Lord Morder) stated that the band's cause was the destruction of Christianity. "We want to inspire people to murder ALL Christians!!!" Shipley stated. "All the members of our horde believe that Christianity must be destroyed."

The case against Shipley, and Contreras, ended July 31, when both defendants pleaded guilty to seven counts of shooting at Teen Challenge's office and dormitory. Thanks to the plea, Shipley, who drove the car, received a 15-year prison sentence. Contreras, who pulled the trigger, received a prison sentence of 25 years.

If that sounds like a lot of time behind bars, consider this: because they both pleaded guilty, Deputy District Attorney Jamie Coulter agreed to drop charges of attempted murder that could have sent each man to prison for life.

Coulter said he agreed to the deal because neither Shipley nor Conteras had ever been involved as defendants in the criminal justice system. "Because of their poor choices and actions, they are suffering severe consequences that have destroyed their lives," Coulter said. "But the bottom line is they are being held accountable and justice has been done."

being satanist have its drawbacks :tickled:
ha ha ha ha ha that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!!!! If I were them I would have taken the case to a international court 'cause that law and judgement is totaly fucked up!!!

Some people get out from prison after a few years for raping children and they get 15-25 years for just injuring a brickwall that happend to be some christian builing!! THAT IS FUCKED UP AND NOT JUSTICE!!!! HA HA fucking America sucks!!!
Absurd. If they were willing to put their necks on the line for this, they should at least have been careful enough to not get caught. They easily could have done something that wasn't so openly brash.

Irregardless, the sentencing was overinflated and just... plain... fucking... stupid. 25 fucking years?

A few fucking issues....

Emperor Magus Caligula said:
Because the target of the attack was an evangelical Christian drug rehabilitation center, the incident was labeled a bona-fide hate crime, which automatically doubled the prison sentence in question.

That is un-fucking-doubtedly the most moronic thing I've heard today.

Emperor Magus Caligula said:
being satanist have its drawbacks :tickled:

I hope that was a joke... otherwise, that was number two.
In all probability, the majority of the jury was Christian, and statistically, the judge was as well. The ruling was biased out the ass.

I wonder how the sentiments would be if a Christian in a religious fervor attacked a Satanic get-together (mere speculation, I understand the improbability of such a thing)?
anyway, being serious that totally sucked....

here is another one:

Norwegian Black Metal Musician Receives Prison Sentence For Mutilating Corpse - Aug. 18, 2003
A Norwegian black metal musician who broke into a church mortuary (see our previous report) and chopped off the head of a corpse in order to display it during a party was jailed for one year Monday (August 18), officials said.

Under the influence of both drink and cannabis, the 26-year-old — the former bassist for the band SVARTAHRID (photo) — had broken into a chapel (photo gallery) with three friends as they were holding a party near the southeastern town of Skien on the night of June 14, the court heard.

Initially looking for valuables to steal, the group had noticed several coffins awaiting burial, and had proceeded to break open four of them.

The young man who received the sentence of two years with one suspended had hacked off the head of one of the corpses with a knife.

He then stuffed the head into a plastic bag and took it to display at the "heavy metal" rock music party he was attending, the court heard.

The accused, who went by the stage name Illvastar, said he could not remember carrying out these offenses.

"I just took the best and first head," he testified, according to Aftenposten. "I was so high I only remember brief glimpses of that night." He had been drinking moonshine with 96 percent alcohol content and smoking hashish.

His three companions were also intoxicated, having drunk the same alcohol and ingested ecstasy and rohypnol.

No clear motive for the descrations have emerged, though the main suspect testified that there was a bet where he could win hash for cutting off a head. The knife used, a "Sami knife" with a 21.5 cm (8.5 inch) long blade, was shown in court.

Two brothers, the defendants aged 19 and 22, denied any role in the desecrations. They told the court Thursday that they had gone to the chapel to steal some speakers and look at corpses. They said they went along for the excitement, and because they had never seen dead people before.

The main suspect in the gruesome corpse mutilations was the only one of four defendants to receive a prison sentence on Monday. The other three suspects received community service.

"I note that all four have received milder sentences than I suggested. We believed that unconditional prison sentences for all four was the correct reaction," police lawyer Svein Folkestad (photo) told Norwegian news agency NTB.

Folkestad said that the verdict would be discussed with the district attorney and possibly appealed.

Lawyer Bjoern Naerum, who defended the musician, told radio station P4 that they would likely appeal the verdict.
Honestly, idiots like this are the reason metal enthusiasts have a bad reputation. If the law were up to me, I'd have them both killed just for being so fucking stupid, and so that they won't breed and raise more imbeciles to further progress the stupid asshole epidemic sweeping the world....seriously, what a waste of human flesh!
DiscipleOfPlato said:
Honestly, idiots like this are the reason metal enthusiasts have a bad reputation. If the law were up to me, I'd have them both killed just for being so fucking stupid, and so that they won't breed and raise more imbeciles to further progress the stupid asshole epidemic sweeping the world....seriously, what a waste of human flesh!

Funny: One could argue (with more credibility) if they were so inclined that that was precisely what the accused were trying to do.
Emperor Magus Caligula said:
Nick Schou of the Orange County Weekly is reporting that two members of a black metal rock band whose lyrics call for the murder of all Christians were sentenced to a total of 40 years in state prison for firing seven shots at a building from a moving car — without causing a single death or injury.

Because the target of the attack was an evangelical Christian drug rehabilitation center, the incident was labeled a bona-fide hate crime, which automatically doubled the prison sentence in question.

On Jan. 19, a drive-by shooting occurred outside Teen Challenge, a Christian drug rehabilitation clinic in downtown Santa Ana, California. A few weeks later, police arrested two suspects, special-education teacher Raymond Shipley (photo) and Benito Contreras, both 22-year-old members of a Riverside-area black metal band SOL EVIL. Defense attorneys for the men claimed their clients were drunk and simply trying to scare a mutual friend, a former band member sleeping in the building when the shots were fired.

A major piece of evidence against the two suspects was an interview posted on the band's web site. In that interview, SOL EVIL lead singer Shipley (who went by the stage name Lord Morder) stated that the band's cause was the destruction of Christianity. "We want to inspire people to murder ALL Christians!!!" Shipley stated. "All the members of our horde believe that Christianity must be destroyed."

The case against Shipley, and Contreras, ended July 31, when both defendants pleaded guilty to seven counts of shooting at Teen Challenge's office and dormitory. Thanks to the plea, Shipley, who drove the car, received a 15-year prison sentence. Contreras, who pulled the trigger, received a prison sentence of 25 years.

If that sounds like a lot of time behind bars, consider this: because they both pleaded guilty, Deputy District Attorney Jamie Coulter agreed to drop charges of attempted murder that could have sent each man to prison for life.

Coulter said he agreed to the deal because neither Shipley nor Conteras had ever been involved as defendants in the criminal justice system. "Because of their poor choices and actions, they are suffering severe consequences that have destroyed their lives," Coulter said. "But the bottom line is they are being held accountable and justice has been done."

THAT's What you get for being STUPID
Hahaha.That's fucking hilarious.
I wonder how important killing Christians will be on their agenda after receiving the rough love of a 300 pound black man named Leeroy.
Of course it's a ridiculous amount of time to be sentenced for and, like Sonicarnal Artist, I wonder what the verdict would have been were these two Christian vigilantes firing shots at a meeting of Satanists.Then again, when does that happen? Oh yes.
Ravnanger said:
I bet the jury consisted of only members of the church and the judge him/her-self was a christian, just like when Varg Vikernes went to court he he

So how does America suck, since the same thing happened to Vikerness in Norway you dolt?
That doesn't explain why whenever anything dumb happens here "America Sucks." Those who spout it never have a real good solid argument, they just like to say it because they are retards. Shit dumber than this happens in every country every day.

Just trying to understand.


*and as much as I don't care for those religious folk, those dumbasses got what they deserved. Who cares if they want to pray to god? Oh yah...I forgot....we are on an unholy crusade for satan, who is going to build us a nice swimming pool in our Presidential Suite in hell :Smug: *
Oh yeah, I'd agree with that.There is alot of mindless anti-American sentiment around here but just ignore it.
You'll rarely get a coherent arguement.
Dick Rott said:
That doesn't explain why whenever anything dumb happens here "America Sucks." Those who spout it never have a real good solid argument, they just like to say it because they are retards. Shit dumber than this happens in every country every day.

Just trying to understand.


*and as much as I don't care for those religious folk, those dumbasses got what they deserved. Who cares if they want to pray to god? Oh yah...I forgot....we are on an unholy crusade for satan, who is going to build us a nice swimming pool in our Presidential Suite in hell :Smug: *

You want to know why I say America sucks? because I think it sucks!!! I don't give a fuck if you are from America and if I somehow offended you buy saying your country sucks.. I can dig up one million reasons why I think your sountry suck.. and it didn't come as any surpsie to me that the sentence those guys got happend in America. I don't hate all that is america and all americans if that's what you think, but in far too many cases I think the Unites States of America is a joke!!!!!

there you have it....
Sorta unrelated, but what was that deal with Varg's Mother hiring a bunch of neo-Nazis to break him out of prison, but through some loophole in the law she got away with it since she was trying to help a family member.
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