Black metal novel from ex-Gorgoroth and Molested drummer

Henrik Main

Aug 10, 2002
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Drummer Sgt. Erichsen, of Gorgoroth and Molested fame, is set to release his debut novel this autumn. Entitled "The National Satanist", the story takes part in Bergen, Norway, in the early 90s. The main characters are the young black metal musicians Ljåvold and Vinterblod, whose entire lives revolves around black metal and their very own band Stormvold.

Henrik Main's verdict: Sounds cool, I'll read this fo' sho'.
Yeah, I'll probably read this!

Holy crap, how I remember that whole walking-in-the-woods-with-torches thing! Well. we didn't have torches, but still... :lol: Can't believe how many dumb things happened back then...
hey is this an "i went to a black/death show back when it was still new" thread?

cuz i don't have any pictures of dissection and at the gates in '96, sorry. :(

Actually, I was just pointing out that i was one of the fags that thought it was cool to walk around the woods at night, 'cause I thought it was grim... Funny think about it now, though!

EDIT: Like the guy in the original article!
Crimson Velvet said:
Actually, I was just pointing out that i was one of the fags that thought it was cool to walk around the woods at night, 'cause I thought it was grim... Funny think about it now, though!
It is cool, in temperature as well as coolness
Erik said:
It is cool, in temperature as well as coolness

Heh, don't get me wrong, I enjoy a nice silent walk in the woods as much as the next guy. But that whole ritual wandering in robes and with torches is rather ridiculous.
whatever. i wholeheartedly support activities like that if it gives you the state of mind where you write albums like "in the nightside eclipse" and "dark medieval times". whatever fucking floats your boat.
i truly do believe that albums such as those were aided by an atmosphere and mysticism that is dead, gone and buried now. i mean, walk in the forest with torches now and you get fucking ridiculed. back then, those things were meaningful, things that hadn't been done before, i can't really explain this but like the guy in the article said, there was an atmosphere of ANTI IRONY, absolute uniqueness and taking everything very seriously that really really really reflects in the music. these things change your state of mind, and an altered state of mind is pretty crucial to make meaningful music. you really can't do this shit anymore, it's gone.
i know the music was, and the desire to get the fuck away from modern society and everything that belongs to it. walking in the woods in robes with torches did that. wearing corpsepaint did that... until "ironic" trend faggots with no deeper understanding of the whys and wherefores destroyed it.
I can assure you, it was ridiculed even back then. Why do you think black metal is the most shunned musical genre on earth? It's not just the "poor" production! :lol: I think the eccentricity and, well, I can't think of any other word than the "nerdy-ness" (although I know that that is not what it really is), has more to do with it.

But, imagine if it wasn't shunned by society. I wholly doubt black metal would have lasted until '95 or '96 if it was, for the trend faggots would have ruined it much quicker.
They gave a shit, alright. But if they had gotten a positive reaction, I suspect they would have been disappointed. They revelled in the negative attention.
that's fair enough

my POINT is that when a genre that was previously very serious about itself starts getting "ironic" it all fucking collapses to shit.