Black metal novel from ex-Gorgoroth and Molested drummer

I agree completely. I, personally, could never get into it, like I said, even though I had friends who did. But I did try it. I guess I never really had that state of mind, so to speak. If I wanted to write something, my family have this cottage in beautiful surroundings about thirty miles north of Oslo. That provided me with more insiration, I think, than cloaks and torches at the middle of the night ever could. I've always been attracted to the distance and serenity that black metal can offer you in a way no other genre can.
Crimson Velvet said:
If I wanted to write something, my family have this cottage in beautiful surroundings about thirty miles north of Oslo. That provided me with more insiration, I think, than cloaks and torches at the middle of the night ever could. .

100% agreement here, i'm the same way.

Crimson Velvet said:
I've always been attracted to the distance and serenity that black metal can offer you in a way no other genre can.

Correct, and 100% accurate. THe same holds true for me, thats why I'm a big fan of some BM and other stuff I consider horrible garbage and don't want to listen to.

and all this talk about nightside eclipse has given me this crack-like urge to listen to it.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
and all this talk about nightside eclipse has given me this crack-like urge to listen to it.


I agree with what's being said here. I get all of my inspiration from walks in the woods, but in an entirely different way. It's more organic than "ritualistic", although those older practices did make BM what it was.
MFJ said:
I agree with what's being said here. I get all of my inspiration from walks in the woods, but in an entirely different way. It's more organic than "ritualistic", although those older practices did make BM what it was.

yeah, same. I've got my bigass rock in the middle of a clearcut ( :( ) where I go to watch the stars, and other times I just wander through the forest.
MFJ said:
It's more organic than "ritualistic", although those older practices did make BM what it was.

I agree. Very well said.

I suspect that your preferance also affects the music you make. Imagine the old, "true" Mayhem, as they're lying down in graves and wearing rotten clothes drenched in urine and blood. No wonder their early musical output sounds so absolutely grotesque and scary. I really can't imagine, say, Drudkh, being inspired by those same rituals and still make music that sounds like it does.

I haven't heard your musical project, but I understand that it is very "nature-inspired-sounding" as well.
Crimson Velvet said:
I haven't heard your musical project, but I understand that it is very "nature-inspired-sounding" as well.

Absolutely, that's what it is. I'll send you a CD or something when they come out... there's MP3s in my sig.

(Yes, I'm a band whore).