Black Metalllllllll!!!!!11!!1!!!! (clip)


Jan 10, 2005
Working with a band for the past two weeks, so far we have drums, bass and guitars done. Vocals come on Thursday, so far I have mixed the project to what is in the clip, but there are still a few adjustments to be made, but overall it's probably going to be the final mix (sans vocals so far, that is). Anyway, check it out:

Guitars are Schecter C1 with Duncan JB in bridge into TS-9 and then into an XSr™ and also a Dual Rectifier, Marshall 2x12 mic'ed V30 w/ SM57 into Focusrite Saffire Pro 26i/o, two tracks (1 XSr™, 1 Recto) on both sides, 100% L/R. Drums are a POS kit that is beat to hell, mic'ed snare-57, kick-trigger, toms-D2s, OH/hats/ride-nt5 pair, nt1a, nt2a, audix pencils. Bass is a $1600 Spector (that's all I know about it) direct into Saffire. Everything was going into the Saffire for the most part, with like, only the two tom mics going into the 8Pre. So far this Saffire is proving to be a few steps above the 8Pre in a lot of aspects, and all of them matter.

The snare needs som verb, other then that i think it was really good.
The snare has some verb on it as is, you think it needs some more? I'll fiddle with the wetness when I get home from work today. The only major things, that I hear, are: bass could be fattened/squashed/brought up, and then the snare during the blasts needs to be brought up as well. Other than, any other opinions?

Yeah, the snare does need to be brought up on the blast beats for sure. But, this is black metal, so can we get a high pass fiter at 350hz or so on the masterbus?
Haha, while the influences are of old school Burzum, etc. the band wants a pretty clean and polished production on their first full-length. The words they used when I asked how polished they said, "big league production." I think I've delivered just that, and so far they are more than pleased with the work, and I'm pleased as well. So everyone wins, except for purists who will probably call them "untr00" or something.

the snare is completely lost in the blast beat. Maybe pump it up a bit? or beef up the mids during that section to make it stand out more
Semi-related question, do you have issues with the Saffire Pro and NT5s as far as clipping goes? That's what I started with when I first started putting together my little rig a few months ago and I was getting a lot of peaks at like +1.3db and shit. I couldn't hear any distortion or anything but the idea of knowing it was clipping was enough to convince me to return the NT5s and get some OHs with pads. Then I returned the Saffire Pro after noticing during my last drum tracking session that my snare and toms were peaking above 0db as well... Now that I'm getting an interface with padded pre's I'm sort of wanting the NT5s again :lol: