Black Rose Immortal

1. Orchid
2. Morningrise
3. My Arms, Your Hearse
4. Still Life

Hmmm, anyone else see a pattern here? Oh, and none of the others matter at all.
NAD said:
I think.... hmm. I think Still Life had just come out when I picked up Morningrise, my first Opeth. If I remember correctly that is. Okay, ranking time:

1. Still Life
1. Deliverance
2. Blackwater Park
3. My Arms, Your Hearse
4. Damnation
5. Orchid
6. Morningrise

If I stare at this much longer I'll switch 'em around so I'll just click SUBMIT. :grin:
Hmmm, so Morningrise really was your first foray into the realm huh? Wow, generally speaking I find that long time fans enjoy the style of the first two releases more than the latter 5, while short term fans are just the opposite, but hey, there are exceptions to every rule.

Still, I can't argue with anyone's ranking system when it comes to these guys. Yet the fact that 5 and 6 on your list are the first two albums shows where your stylistic tastes lie.
Yep, obviously I like where Opeth is going as opposed to where they've been. Must be that progressive side of me. :loco:
Dark One said:
You know, I STILL have no idea who that guy is. Obviously we hung out in Cleveland, but I guess I was just too damn drunk for 72 straight hours.

Morningrise > Primar Fear parties, even NAD can admit that
That nut posted a link to a video of the listening party on the Progpower forum! :lol: Isn't that the most idotic and recockulous thing ever?
By the way :
1.My Arms , Your Hearse
4.Still Life
6.Blackwater Park
1. Still Life
2. My Arms, Your Hearse
3. Deliverance
4. Morningrise
5. Orchid
6. Damnation
7. Blackwater Park

Thats mine for the moment but I wouldn't be surprised if it changed by the next time I post.

As for Black Rose Immortal, yes it rules. Especially the midsection from around 8 to 15 minutes into the song. As for The Night and the Silent Water, I'd like to know why Mike and Peter don't like it as I think its a great song.
Speaking of "Black Rose Immortal", has anyone else ever noticed the similarity between the section at the 4:00 mark (after the silence) and the slow instrumental piece, under the narrative, in "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"?

And no, I don't have tabs to back that up with. :loco: