Blacker than the blackest black.... x INFINITY!!!

thanks for the intensley cool response guys.... i have very high hopes for landing these guys a good deal... we've got a whole album of this stuff, ready to unleash.. and every song is killer... wait until you hear the track with both me and Dave Suzuki guesting on solos... and it has trade-off vox with Angela Gassow!
thanks for the intensley cool response guys.... i have very high hopes for landing these guys a good deal... we've got a whole album of this stuff, ready to unleash.. and every song is killer... wait until you hear the track with both me and Dave Suzuki guesting on solos... and it has trade-off vox with Angela Gassow!

That's awesome. I love dave's solos.
Damn, now that I'm actually listening to it rather than just wetting myself over the upcoming solos, I too must agree, it sounds incredible - not only the Martin, OH's, etc. as have been mentioned, but the vocals especially sound absolutely otherworldly and amazingly upfront, which I think also stems from the fact that this is one of the widest sounding mixes I've heard in awhile.

However, I feel the guitars are a bit too low-gained for my taste - they just feel a bit weak and not saturated enough. The tone and quality of them is great, I'd just prefer them to not be so dry. But killer job otherwise!

EDIT: Listening again, I'm curious as to how you got such a wide stereo image of the acoustic; is it two takes, one L one R? Or perhaps take L with a send and slight delay R for the doubling?
yeah.. the acoustic was performed twice.. one left, one right... but very tightly.... glad you dig it.

in regards to the rhythm guitar...i can't really identify or quantify or understand why you would say what you did about the rhythms.... 100% opposite for me.. plently of gain, big powerful, punchy.... so that one leaves me scratching my head.

biggest mistake i hear these days is the mistake guys make by thinking "more gain = more heavy"... in fact you really hit a wall where you have essentially just made the guitars noisy and small, and destoryed the weight and impact of the instrument in the mix...this mix has plenty of gain.. much more would essentially destroy the mix. there's loads of criticisms i would readily accept regarding this mix... not that one though.... these guitars are among the best i've recorded.
biggest mistake i hear these days is the mistake guys make by thinking "more gain = more heavy"...

James, I love the mix, but I actually agree with the previous poster about the gain of the guitars. While I can't stress enough that I completely agree with what you are saying, I also think the reverse is true; there is a fine line between having just enough gain, and too little gain...and in my opinion, that is my only criticism of some of your recent mixes (specifically the Rise stuff and also the Dirge stuff). And when I say I think maybe the guitars could use more gain...I'm thinking like turning the gain knob up from 4 to 5, something like that. I think that would have made a huge difference.

Again, just my personal opinion
wow man. super tight band. i love the tones all the way around. Lead guitar tone is awsome. I really dig the acoustic tone as well.
yeah... sorry Remy... Gain was on 6... and more added with TS808... there's is more than enough gain there.. no huge difference needed or wanted. i wasn't looking for suggestions... the dirge has even more gain. i have not gotten this reaction about either of them anywhere else and from anyone else than you two guys.. i have hung a jet black drapery....and you have told me it's too whilte... it crosses the eyes.
weird....if a mix is just perfect, how can one complain about one aspect being unperfect? if it would be the case the entire mix would suffer...

in this case the mix is just awesome, it wouln't be like that if anything on the single instruments was lacking.
sure it's not as saturated and distorted as many DM bands (deicide, Cannibal Corpse, alot of stuff from the 90ies...) but that'S exactly why this mix has so much punch and depth!
the guitars are IMO definitely distorted and saturated enough yet punchy and clear....and when my Stein will arrive (in about 1-2 hours) I'm definitely gonna try to get into similar realms.
Kickass mix with NOTHING to complain about!

As james has already stated: saturation/gain = Compression.......compression ≠ depth
I second what is said about punch. The guitars would never come so exact if they had more gain.

fantastic mix btw. :)