
Mar 27, 2009
"how come you claim to embrace darkness and gothic music if I've never seen you dressed like a real goth should?"

That came from a lady that I had acquaintance of her to be a real smart person that loved dark and gothic music, so she seemed to be very cool to me. But, from that moment on I haven't stopped thinking about how stupid that whole "vampiric" movement is and the damage it has caused to the "gothic" music (I don't even wnat to call it that way

To me, those goth boys are nothing but losers claiming to be vampires that want to fuck a goth girl dressed like a vamp bitch. It's all about sex, and to dream every night of being a vampire and suck blood and fuck as many girls (or guys) as possible, all of this while listening to a suck-hard electrodark band....and they even dare to teach me about what gothic music really represents or evokes. Now I feel like killing those ignorant fucks

Opinions please.
If Edgar Alan Poe, the father of the gothic/dark wave, was alive today he'd be verry dissapointed to see that the gothic wave has now mutated into a "fashion" that also includes vampires.
Where did the mellow dark poetry go? Where did the true meaning go? Vanished under the idea that 'gothic' means sadomasichistic vampire imfused fantasies.

Kill em all.

OP +1
If Edgar Alan Poe, the father of the gothic/dark wave, was alive today he'd be verry dissapointed to see that the gothic wave has now mutated into a "fashion" that also includes vampires.
Where did the mellow dark poetry go? Where did the true meaning go? Vanished under the idea that 'gothic' means sadomasichistic vampire imfused fantasies.

Kill em all.

OP +1

Stop lurking inside my brain without my permission...
I suggest you go take a look at Gothic Rock, which is a very different genre of music than "gothic" metal. That is where the fashion came from, it was a big movement in England and whatnot, and the clothing was a movement towards more Victorian style clothing. After tons of years, this whole vampire thing came along, but it was much after the heyday of the real gothic movement, as most of those people are old and grown out of it.

So yeah, vampires are not goth. They are emo. And all emo kids must die.
I remember all that stuff about "Vampire Freaks", people (so-called goths) bitching themselves as being "true gothics" or not. So ridiculous. Otherwise, I don't care about it. There must be some quite nice gothics out there, the ones who don't constantly judge others and don't pretend or claim to be superior to human race (hahaha!). The moderate and rational gothics who are just inspired by some darkness and poetry.
I admittedly don't know much about the differences between all of the subgenres of rock and metal (Good music is good music despite the label as far as I'm concerned) the only thing I have to add to this discussion is that there is nothing hotter than a beautiful girl in a corset. :)
I admittedly don't know much about the differences between all of the subgenres of rock and metal (Good music is good music despite the label as far as I'm concerned) the only thing I have to add to this discussion is that there is nothing hotter than a beautiful girl in a corset. :)

as long as she doesn't come up with something retarded like she's a vampire blood-sucker or something.
I admittedly don't know much about the differences between all of the subgenres of rock and metal (Good music is good music despite the label as far as I'm concerned) the only thing I have to add to this discussion is that there is nothing hotter than a beautiful girl in a corset. :)

EXTERMINATE THEM for the sake of humanity. (here is a valuable input for discussion)