Blaze / Fourway Kill


Sep 16, 2002
Harrow, Middx., UK
Well, I saw Blaze & Fourway Kill at The Garage the other night. While Fourway Kill fall into the "I'll be in the bar / metal market" category for me, if this gig was anything to go by, Blaze are going to rock at Bloodstock. I've seen them a bunch of times, and this was easily their best performance to date. It was probably the gig of the year for me so far (rivalled only by Apocalyptica -- who by the way absolutely *have* to be considered for BS04). Looks like they might give some of the bigger names a run for their money...
I saw them at Bradford on Saturday

and here's what I thought:

I thought fourwaykill were very good at what they did but they’re not really my sort of thing. I’d have thought some people in the audience will have been very impressed though. For a change it was nice to be able to have a good drink and not have far to walk (The car park being right next to the club). I’ve seen Blaze about 6 or 7 times over the last 3 years and never been disappointed and Saturday was no exception. I thought the new guys fitted in really well and the band were as tight and energetic as always. It was a good to hear the old Led Zep classic in the set as well as the usual stuff. The song I’d love to hear again is the underrated Maiden Gers/Bayley classic ‘Como Estais Amigos’ If it was played and I missed it then I must have been pissed rather than merry! I’ve only known them play that once. Hint, Hint, Hint, for Bloodstock!. It was good to get right up to the front of the stage and cheers to Steve Wray for the pick! I also thought the turn out was ok for Bradford Rios (Remember Bradford Bulls had been playing Leeds Rhinos in the Challenge cup final earlier in the day in Cardiff so a lot of potential fans may have been there). When I saw Annihilator, Seven Witches and Debase play there last year there was certainly no more people in attendance.
Yep saw them in Cardiff on Monday and they were fantastic as normal.
Looking forward to Plymouth on Friday now.

I'd agree with Eagle for hearing "Como...." again, as it sounds great live. I think they should ditch Sign of the Cross, and replace it with Como and Temple of Rock! :headbang:
Blaze played a superb gig in Cardiff, first time i've seen them live. Down the front through the whole thing repeatedly telling myself that my neck would kill in the morning (it did). Same opinion on Four Way Kill though, good band but not my cup a cha. I was still down the front but i'll do it for pretty much any band
. Can't wait 2 see them again at Bloodstock.
Eagle said:
I thought fourwaykill were very good at what they did but they’re not really my sort of thing.

Yeah, that about sums up what I thought. The thing is, they obviously have some potential there to be a band I could quite like. It's just mostly unrealised, and they seem to prefer heading off in a different direction...

Eagle said:
The song I’d love to hear again is the underrated Maiden Gers/Bayley classic ‘Como Estais Amigos’

Hmmm. I've always thought that was the weakest track on Virtual XI, and one of Maiden's weakest overall. However, when I saw Blaze do it at The Underworld in 2000, I was very impressed (and even said so in my review at the time), and I'd be happy to see it return to the set, perhaps in place of Virus, which I really just can't get into.