Blind Guardian-Battallions of Fear

In my opinion Blind Guardian would have to be the best speed metal band on this planet! Although their newer stuff seems to be boring to me and lacks the speed,power and excellence they beholded befor.....

This debut album was one of my favorie BG albums.The bad thing about it is that there are only nine songs and three of them are instrumentals but this album still kicks ass! The first song ends up being Majesty and wow when I first heard this song I had to keep listening and listening.Great riffs and powerful rhythms and an outstanding chorus make this song My fav. BG song of all time.The second song happens to be Guardian of the Blind and this is also an amazing song.Guardian Guardian Guardian of the blind!After that is Trial by the Archon which is an instrumental.The fourth song,Wizards Crown is also a descent song.Then Run for the Night is next and im sure everyone has heard that song as it is on TFTTW (live version).It is a great song!Next is The Martyr which is an excellent song with amazing leads and powerful heavy rhythms.Following that is the title track Battallions of Fear and also a spectacular song.The next two tracks are instrumentals which kind of bring the album down a little but who the hell cares!If you love fast palm muting speed picking and strong leads which flow perfectly together this album is a must.If you are into only new BG then dont even bother.