Blind Guardian - Nightfall in Middle Earth


Oct 10, 2001
Santiago de Chile
This album is my favorite album of all time, I listen to almost every Metal genre (Black, Death, Doom, Thrash, Heavy,...) but no release of any band never make me feel like this record, Blind Guardian is not my favorite band but this record amazes me very much.

I want to know what everyone of you think about this marvelous piece of Heavy Metal


:cry: sorry for the English I'm Chilean :cry:
oh yes I love this album!!! It's for sure one of the best albums I know.. well I think all Blind Guardian albums are great.
Looking forward to the new one!
I think it has some amazing choruses, but for the most part it just left me... cold... maybe it was the bard-esque intermission pieces, or the spoken word. I know it's a concept album, but it just struck me as being a bit naff. Mind you, I haven't listened to it for about 2 years, so maybe I should try again :)
I love this album too, only for some reason I like "Imaginations from the other side" more. I don't know why. I just think that some songs fron the "Imaginations..." have more feeling. Appart from that, it was one of my first metal albums! :D

I want at last to watch them live!!!:)
I agree it is a very good album, has great atmosphere, awesome drums and vocals, but i really hate the whole tolkein concept, i just think the tolkein subject matter is for really big nerds, maybe it isnt in germany, but man i am afraid to have the album on if anyones around, cant they just make the music with mediaeval influences, not trolls and crap
Very good album. No bad songs at all. Only things that drop it little on my charts are those short "intro" tracks which lead the story on... And also, Imaginations From The Other Side is the best album ever. Can there be two best albums ever? NO!
I would give NIME a niner..
Fantastic album!
Very conceptual and interesting. There isnt one moment on the album that gets boring.
BG have to be the best in their genre as the originality in their songwriting is awesome.

But i do have to say that Imaginations is better than nightfall...

New single is out and its fantastic! Following the footsteps of Nightfall...

I think over the years they have matured into this unique style of Heavy Metal.............and its great..
First of all, (I'm going to be aggressive here) don't EVER be embarrassed of listening to this music, least of all BG!! When I have music on in my truck and I'm considering whether to blast it, I just say, "F*CK IT!" and do it!! If anyone actually says something negative, tell them to stick it in their ass! Be proud of who and what you are! This music is my life and I will not let anyone tell me my life is stupid or silly or what-have-you. Metal is in my veins forever. Who here cannot agree!?! And, yes, Imaginations From The Other Side is the greatest album EVER!!!!
NIME is based on J.R.R. Tolkien's Silmarillion

it tells the fate of the Noldor which are following Feanor's curse
this curse means that the 3 gems must return to Feanor's relatives

all in all a nice album but i prefer FTB and SFB as well as IFTOS
I love Nightfall (just like every other BG record) but somehow it still doesn't manage to get on me like Imaginations did. Of all BG albums, I'd put it second between Imaginations and Tales from the Twilight world. Of course, it's still better than most albums I've ever listened to, and has maybe the best BG song ever on it (Mirror, Mirror), but still, I think you could've still made it slightly better, something I don't feel about Imaginations :)
As I already own all BG songs there are, I don't really feel the need for it :p But I'm looking forward to the Live DVD they're going to release from the Night at the Opera tour :D
gonna visit them in munich though i'm from vienna

dammit that the bards skip my hometown

what do you think of remastered Symphonies of Doom ?