Blind Guardian... the metal band that zigs.

Which one is best?

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Ive only got Somewhere Far Beyond and i have a whole lot of trouble not cracking up listening to it. These guys seem to be one of those bands that you either love or stand with your back to the wall when you hear them (in case the gayness leaks from the speakers and tries it on with you).
Ive only got Somewhere Far Beyond and i have a whole lot of trouble not cracking up listening to it. These guys seem to be one of those bands that you either love or stand with your back to the wall when you hear them (in case the gayness leaks from the speakers and tries it on with you).

I think I'm the latter.. I just cannot get into them.
Nightfall in Middle Earth is my favorite album of all time (from any band) so I have to vote for that.

Its just sheer briliance...I don't think I've ever heard an album where I've felt such pure heart and passion just pour out of my stereo speakers.
Don't bow down to what others call 'gay'! They don't like... if you do... fuck 'em its not 'gay'. Its the only way to keep your tastes YOUR tastes.
I concede, you win, calling them gay really is brilliant. I mean seriously, how can anyone argue with that? Gay... wow... that resounding point blew my mind. I hate Blind Guardian now, thank you so much for showing me the light. :worship:

Nightfall In Middle-Earth is imo the best. It's epic and the lyrics are great and Hansi has never sung better. :)

thraxz mate, take your meds and calm down. someone thinking theyre gay is not the end of the world. The point of forums is stating different opinions, it would get really bloody boring if we all thought the same now wouldnt it, so stop getting defensive and lighten up!!
SilentRealm said:
thraxz mate, take your meds and calm down. someone thinking theyre gay is not the end of the world. The point of forums is stating different opinions, it would get really bloody boring if we all thought the same now wouldnt it, so stop getting defensive and lighten up!!

You take me so seriously! If my posts ever have a tone its usually "detached sarcasm" not "frenzied ideological xenophobe". That would make more sense if you heard me saying it as opposed to reading it... oh well. I don't have a problem with people not liking or even hating Blind Guardian, its a matter of taste. Its how you justify that taste that tickles my bullshit detector every now and then.
Precious Jerusalem didn't convince you it wasn't? Using a chorus as just another instrument in the song... that riff is ridiculously catchy. I can tell that the song is most definitely gets an all or nothing response so I don't expect anyone to think that its the best on the ANATO album.
I honestly don't know where those thoroughly unfunny gayness jokes about them stem from, but to each their own, I guess...

My favourite album (not just my favourite BG album, but my favourite album, period) still is "Imaginations from the Other Side"... in fact, the first metal album I heard in my life. Every song a little work of art, composed perfectly, even better live.
"A Night at the Opera" is a close second, I've spent so much time dissecting every litte detail and I still love it. "Age of False Innocence" or "And then there was Silence" (which is great live, by the way) stand among their best songs ever.
"Nightfall in Middle-Earth" comes in third place... intricate arrangements and the most Queen-ish vocals ever not found on a Queen record. I'd love to see this one performed on stage as a whole.