Nothing is gay about vikings and killing and shit. that's badass. Arnold wearing almost nothing and all greased up is pretty gay.
Oh, and the reason why the movie sucks is not becuase it is gay that arnold is hot (well, by your standards. it sounded like you were gettin' wood from thinking about arnold's "flawless phisique"). The reason why the movie sucked is because it was a shitty movie. if it was just arnold kicking ass and owning people's shit, then it would have been commando. No, conan sucked because the story made no sense, there were about 30 pointless titty scenes that you can't even enjoy because they make no sense. It doesn't even make sense in the context of the conan story. I mean, fucking christ, remember the scene where (no exaggeration, watch the movie) he goes into town going to kick ass, finds a girl, fucks her, then she inexplicably turns into a demon and he has to throw her in the fire? then he just walks away. yeah, makes sense. it's SUPPOSED to show how he is naive, but the movie fails miserably. It's a shitty movie, end of story.