Blood Duster joines Morbid Tales Sydney


Dec 29, 2001
Hello folks!

Due to overseas commitments by some of the members of Hellspawn the band was forced to withdraw from Morbid Tales Sydney show and were replaced by Blood Duster who are more than happy to take their spot and play an all ages event in the afternoon before heading down to Excelsior for their own over 18's headlining show later that night

The final line up stands as follows

Earth (VIC)
Psycroptic (TAS)
Astriaal (QLD)
Sakkuth (QLD)
Anarazel (VIC)
Blood Duster (VIC- special arvo performance)
Deaths Boundaries (SA)
Omnium Gatherum (SA)
Raven Black Night (SA)
Abrasion (VIC)
Eternal Dark (Orange)

Sat 19th Apr (Easter Sat) Blacktown RSL 10AM-1AM Doors open at 9.30AM ALL AGES/Licensed Raffles, giveaways and merchandise stands will be available on the night. Metal tunes played all day in between bands

Hope to see you at the show


It was great
Id been waiting for almost three years for an all ages Sakkuth gig that was anywhere nearby, and unless I missed any the closest was in Bathurst. And it was well worth the wait. Middle of front, with Scott soloing in our faces. eveyone screaming along, especially Time and Sweet Nectar, classic. :grin: :grin:
Seems the triple humbucker Epiphone (real Gibson for the new bloodduster guy) is becoming more popular.
And talk about fucking technical, Death's Boundaries, anyone have a site or info about these guys? Seems like all they do in SA is practise guitar.
and Dungeon closed the night off in style, and I scored Stevo's stick :grin:
That stick almost took my head off! :lol:

I had a great time at the show... although I realised just before Dungeon came on that I did the lights for Inferis 15 hours earlier! :eek:

Finally heard Psycroptic.... finally bought Psycroptic! :lol:

Finally got to see Earth play live... been waiting a long damn time for that!

What ever happened to Blood Duster's Excelsior gig? They were still around after Dungeon had finished (I know cause I was sitting behind one of the merch desks most of the show)
it was pretty cool actually
i was the one Filming Dungeon by the way that night .. the stage is pretty cool that one and the bands fucking pured there blood and sweat on stage , and i was impressed , sadly 2 bands pulled out that day...
but yeah .... next one will be on the 28th june ... so that should be intersting .....
one thing i didn't like was the sound mix , man that was muddy from the back .... weired .. lol