Blood Meridian - Berklee Students Play Metal

I love it when people make uneducated comments about colleges they don't go to, or know anything of. Tell me, what about a school for musicians makes you so angry, as to generalize an entire body of STUDENTS.

@ Mephistophilliac
Your band is awful. Please quit playing guitar, as you clearly have no idea what you are doing. And are managing to make it sound like you're playing with shit stuffed up your ears. Have fun lingering on a NEVERMORE message board, talking shit on people who are trying to make a career out of music.
Tell me, what about a school for musicians makes you so angry

You're learning how to be a musician, not a songwriter. That's why your music is devoid of soul, personality, and passion.

Mephis's band is better than yours. Will's stuff is better than yours. Stephan's band is better than yours. Just pick a random member of this forum, they make better music than you. Don't like it? Go back to the Dream Theater board.
ooo there's some butthurt going on here.

I found the clips rather enjoyable, as unoriginal as they may be. I am by no means a professional musician nor a musician at all, but I can hear the skill and the potential. Not every band has to have a mindblowingly original/quirky sound to be successful. That's why there are so many successful bands that kinda sound the same :p

Not saying it would be a bad thing to find your own sound, but eh.

I liked it. That is all. *shrugs and stuffs pizza in face*
I love it when people make uneducated comments about colleges they don't go to, or know anything of. Tell me, what about a school for musicians makes you so angry, as to generalize an entire body of STUDENTS.

@ Mephistophilliac
Your band is awful. Please quit playing guitar, as you clearly have no idea what you are doing. And are managing to make it sound like you're playing with shit stuffed up your ears. Have fun lingering on a NEVERMORE message board, talking shit on people who are trying to make a career out of music.
If you want to be a successful musician, I'd say you should probably learn how to deal with people that don't like your music. This is NOT the way. Stop being a baby.
Rip off rush? You do realize that Berklee College of Music is a jazz focused institution, and I can tell you more than 90% of the bands here sound nothing like Rush. Nice try though.

Tell me, what is the most successful band to come out of Berklee?

Chill out, buddy. Make music. Make sound.

Now shut up and play yer guitar.

You're learning how to be a musician, not a songwriter. That's why your music is devoid of soul, personality, and passion.

Mephis's band is better than yours. Will's stuff is better than yours. Stephan's band is better than yours. Just pick a random member of this forum, they make better music than you. Don't like it? Go back to the Dream Theater board.

Scroll all the way to the bottom. A big part of Berklee curriculum is songwriting and composition. How about you do your research before you make blind sweeping comments like that, sport.
I love it when people make uneducated comments about colleges they don't go to, or know anything of. Tell me, what about a school for musicians makes you so angry, as to generalize an entire body of STUDENTS.

@ Mephistophilliac
Your band is awful. Please quit playing guitar, as you clearly have no idea what you are doing. And are managing to make it sound like you're playing with shit stuffed up your ears. Have fun lingering on a NEVERMORE message board, talking shit on people who are trying to make a career out of music.

Those recordings were done in several minutes about 2 years ago through some shit program. Also, I don't play guitar and that band has been on hiatus for nearly a year while I've been focusing on my other band. ( we're in the middle of re-recording the song that's up along with the rest of an album and revamping the logo and all that crap).

The only thing you'll ever hear in your professional career is "Hey techguy, make sure my other guitar is in tune for the next song."
And let me emphasize that my pizza had NO ONIONS AND NO MUSHROOMS, dammit.

Well your Pizza is just devoid of all personality then isnt it?

As for theLepper or whatever his name is The music is unimaginative and lacks scope. This IS unfortunately because you are a product of your schooling. Being a great guitar player / band / musician isnt all about technique. Ask Kerry King, Jimmy Page, Zakk Wylde, and hate to say it Jack White from the white stripes.

None of them are virtuoso players (Zakk may be the exception there) but the one thing they ALL have in common is great songwriting, great dynamics, and a style that isnt some clone of someone else.

You guys can clearly play your instruments, you clearly know theory and how to build things diatonically, harmonically, modeally, and (whatever)ly comes next.

now take that knowledge, learn to write a catchy riff or hook and make it your own.

Perfect example, Steve Vai hes a great songwriter, and probably the most notable ROCK / METAL export of BCoM ever.
agreed, and Kerry King and Zakk Wylde wtf??

They are examples of 2 guys who are not extremely schooled musicians who still play with fire and passion and get credit for great songwriting. I am not saying they are BAD players, I love them both, they are just not "BCom" type of players.

Look at guys like Gilbert, great guitar player, shit songwriter (Sheehan and Martin wrote most of the MR. Big Stuff), Friedman / Becker (Great playing, shit songs), Skolnick (Eric wrote and arranged everything)... Its the BCoM curse. You become a virtuoso at your instrument but cant write a simple song or melody to save your fucking life.