Bloodbath - Breeding Death or maybe Morbid Angel - Immortal Rites ?

Hm. Come to think of it, the first riff in both of those songs really are kinda similar.
But the Breeding Death EP is/was a tribute to 'old school death metal'. Morbid Angel's first album kind of qualifies as that. I haven't listened to Altars of Madness in a good while, so I can't remember all of the riffs (I worked out the Breeding Death EP not long ago, so the riffs are fresh in my noggin).
Here's my serious answer. Breeding Death was a studio test. That's it. I'd be suprised if they DIDN'T copy from Morbid Angel, or any other death metal band from those three songs.
wait til u hear the first version of 'breeding death' (that will appear as one of the bonus tracks on the US version of NMF) and the first poster will get his rightful credit.