Bloodbath - Breeding Death


Aug 27, 2002
In Hell
Bloodbath - Breeding Death
Century Media, 2000
by Perkele


Bloodbath, the project featuring Mikael Akerfeldt (Opeth) on vocals, Jonas Renkse (Katatonia) on bass, Anders Nyström (Katatonia, Diabolical Masquerade) on guitar and Dan Swanö (Edge Of Sanity, Nightingale) on drums, released their first work in 2000, titled Breeding Death.

This 13 minutes long mini-cd contains fine, old school Swedish death metal, in the vein of the 80s, early 90s. Not technical, not ultra-fast, just the straighforward, heavy music that makes every death metal fans' heart pound faster. Simply, classical death metal rhythms which have been heard a thousand times before, and which sound a bit slow compared to today's death metal. Even if every riff, every beat sounds already familiar, this is music that won't ever be boring, due to its dynamism. Fine Swedish death metal that's brutal yet melodic at the same time (exactly the way I like.) The only thing that brings some originality to the music, though it sounds a bit strange, is the synths at the end of the last song. It is something not often used by death metal bands. Mikael's low-tuned growls are great; sometimes he's almost murmuring.

This release won't give you anything new, it's just simply great music as it was written many times before. This is what I call Swedish old-school melodic death metal. It's a must for fans of good music.

1. Breeding Death
2. Omnious Bloodvomit
3. Furnace Funeral

Length: 13:14

Official Bloodbath Website
Century Media