Bloodbath mix Revised! Choose best one! revalver MK III Content


Oct 5, 2008
Hey I've used two different impulses on the mix i had in another thread!
Which one sounds the best? and which one sounds closest to the fathomless mastery tone?

Engl Higher presence Impulse:

This one Impulse:

And please make comment on the mix on where I can improve it!:headbang:

Sounds pretty damn good to me! The bass definitely feels too loud though (and actually the guitars too, compared with the drums)

I get the impression that a unit like the AXE-FX can get that sort of tone easier than Revalver. I've always associated the AXE-FX with those really flat mids, and the Bloodbath album has them in spades. Revalver always seems to sound hollow, yet at the same time muddy (to me anyway).

I can't really imagine how you'd approximate that tone using what you have, but my goal would be to boost 'core' mids (1k and thereabouts.. the ones that sound 2d and flat) and cut a little of the lower mid (the boxy region like 500hz). Other than that, I think a really surgical tool like Curve EQ would need to be employed to start matching some of the more intricate characteristics of the tone. I just don't think Revalver has mids with that sort of richness in it, as part of its algorithms, so it's not something you're doing wrong, it's just that the odds are stacked against you from the outset.

Definitely prefer the one with the "ThisOne" impulse, though it feels like it could use around a 3 dB cut at around 400Hz with a Q of like .23
Hey thanx for the replies:kickass:

will do what you suggested! I actually liked the engl one more:ill: its alot fatter!

but you cant deny experience lol!

Definitely prefer the one with the "ThisOne" impulse, though it feels like it could use around a 3 dB cut at around 400Hz with a Q of like .23

what does the "Q of like .23" mean?:cool:
Well not really dude, it's not incredibly narrow, but I'd consider very wide like .5 - I like ~.25 for those mid frequencies; I prefer the high Q's for the specific high-frequency attenuation