"Bloodbath (yet again, more blood and murder) "


New Metal Member
Oct 27, 2004
Got this link at another forum:


"These bands are not pro-God, so that is why banning is the only solution. How many more school shootings and innocent women starved to death do we have to see for our world to realize Marliyn Manson and all these other Marilyn Manson wannabes are causing such a ruckus in our world?"

:worship: :tickled:
Children of Bodom (I assume Bodom is another name for Satan. Why not "Children of God?") :cry: :erk:

Death (all these Marilyn Manson influenced metal bands keep enjoing death and destruction) Hahahahaha DEATH being influenced by Marilin Manson, just imagine that shitt :OMG:

Godflesh (the name is disgusting, God's flesh is sacred and should not be spoken about) So... :wave:

Fucking funny as HELL :tickled: :headbang:
Mayhem (the logo of the band appears to have inverted crosses)

wow.. you are quite observant.. :rolleyes:

Agalloch (I don't know what the name Agalloch so I would be surprised if it was a satanic verse)

um.. if you dont know what it is.. you should just shut the fuck up! (oops.. i said a swear word.. i need to repent for the sinfull sin that i've just committed!! ahh....:erk: :rolleyes: )

I am glad my christian friends are not like that. I make them listen to heavy metal all the time and they got no problem with it.
best one:
"some people accuse me of being close-minded, but I am merely correcting people that are obviously wrong."



"I had alochol problems as a troubled teen"
Dhalaren said:
I don't know, I know Christians can be lunatics sometimes, but this seems like
it was made by a metalhead as a joke.
That's my impression too.

If this person is serious, he/she should be put to death by lethal injection, he/she is a cancer for society.

"I assume Bodom is another name for satan"... aarrggh..
I would assume berhahakakjuucj is another word for satan, since I don't really know what it means. . .

Seriously though, people like that make this world more entertaining. :D