Shining – IV : The Eerie Cold
Peaceville Records – CDVILED220 – 7 June 2008
By Russell Garwood
*Puts CD into player. Presses play.* The Eerie Cold begins with a sarcastic American voicover:
"Ah, look at all the pathetic black-clad wannabes running off to buy the new Shining album."
Or so Shining hope…
"Yeah, within the framework of our scene, this shit’s the latest thing! Something to take a stand for, right? Something new and oh so evil. I mean – shit! What could possibly be more true than suicide, right?"
I’m sure the band appreciate the irony of borrowing this introduction from Eminiem… That is pretty evil.
“What you ignorant little fucks don’t seem to be getting, though, what oh so very few of you seem to realize at all, is that this is no fucking joke. Far too many of you haven’t questioned yourselves nearly enough to deserve to pretend to feel at home with this music."
But maybe they don’t.
"And honestly, most of you are even more degenerate and shallow than the commercial mainstream you pride yourself so for hating."
Ah, now I see elements of truth escape… But is this post-modern self-awareness, well-aimed satire, or woefully unaware sincerity?
"Hate. You don’t know what real hatred is, and consequently horror is just a joke for you. In reality, humanity is horror. Just think of all the putrid decadence and inner ugliness passed down genetically to all of us. We’re all potential child rapists, flaming homosexuals, murderers, thieves – and any other egocentric dung you could think of. And as much as it might appeal to you to support all this, in essence – our ‘nature’ – it’s just pathetic since you’d shit in your fucking panties if confronted to the real world out there."
And if this black metal shit doesn’t pay off Kvarforth and co. can always start up a sideline in motivational speaking. That would be a shame, however, as they also forge a convincing path as the grimmest of the grim, that’s right – practitioners of suicidal black metal™. Because, you know, humanity has never been responsible for, like, anything good, dude. And, you know, seeing the world in black and white is so much more comforting…
“And what is with you fucking morons, dissing men like Eminem and Manson – what? Is that jealousy due to the fact of them bringing this shit to the masses without pretensions for style?"
Marilyn Manson and Eminem seem to have pretensions to me. But then, I’m not cool with the (cooler than all the other black metal kidz) kids, what do I know? The neatly packaged angst and rebellion of MM is, I’m sure, very different to that of Shining. Sarcasm aside – and I’m sure you can tell I’m not a huge fan of what these Swedes have to say - the vehicle for their angst is undoubtedly different. Shining’s largely mid-paced black metal is compelling; just the right amount of melody, tight performances, emotive vocals, and atmosphere blacker than the chambers of a dead nun’s heart. Nice.
"I mean at least in their case the audience reflects the artists, right? Which is something that can’t be said for Shining, now, is it?"
Irony sneaking in again? Or do Shining fall prey to exactly the same conceited vanity, hollow narcicism and I’m-the-most-gr1mmest-and-fucked-up-nobody-understands-me-in-this-cruel-evil-world shallow pretensions they so detest in their fanbase? Tricky one to call. But yes, the music: acoustic sections, decent groove and great dynamics are all plusses. There are also a number of departures from the usually strictly-adhered-to suicidal BM template, when non-metal influences start to creep in. Carefully chosen samples add some humour to proceedings, and the quality of the music provides an integrity which, in my book, suggests irony rather than sincerity is a more likely impetus for their diktats. Bottom line, this all makes for a very solid release: great music, thought-provoking attitude, and a pitch black exterior. Highly recommended, top notch black metal.
"So take a long good look at yourself, because maybe Shining isn’t really you thing."
They have a point though, I’m not gr1m, kvlt, necro or even (I’m very happy to report) suicidal. Basically, I’m not cool. So you may want to ignore my advice concerning this fine album, and I’m sure the band neither want an endorsement from people like me, or care what I have to say. So I’ll leave the final words to them.
“Maybe, you should just turn on the radio and forget all about these obscure releases you have to buy in order to listen to. And maybe you should just give the fuck up understanding the perspectives of schizophrenics and psychos making art just to destroy the minds of stupid little kids with too big allowances. Shining’s not into building an army. Shining’s not a promise for the future. Shining’s just the pain of being human here and now. If you’re into the whole organized misanthropy thing, I suggest you go for shit like Dimmu Borgir instead. Anyway. On behalf of Shining and Selbstmord Services it’s my honor to extend a general deathwish to all of you fucking weaklings. Ahh, fuck you."
Official Shining Website
Official Shining Myspace
Official Peaceville Website
Peaceville Records – CDVILED220 – 7 June 2008
By Russell Garwood

*Puts CD into player. Presses play.* The Eerie Cold begins with a sarcastic American voicover:
"Ah, look at all the pathetic black-clad wannabes running off to buy the new Shining album."
Or so Shining hope…
"Yeah, within the framework of our scene, this shit’s the latest thing! Something to take a stand for, right? Something new and oh so evil. I mean – shit! What could possibly be more true than suicide, right?"
I’m sure the band appreciate the irony of borrowing this introduction from Eminiem… That is pretty evil.
“What you ignorant little fucks don’t seem to be getting, though, what oh so very few of you seem to realize at all, is that this is no fucking joke. Far too many of you haven’t questioned yourselves nearly enough to deserve to pretend to feel at home with this music."
But maybe they don’t.
"And honestly, most of you are even more degenerate and shallow than the commercial mainstream you pride yourself so for hating."
Ah, now I see elements of truth escape… But is this post-modern self-awareness, well-aimed satire, or woefully unaware sincerity?
"Hate. You don’t know what real hatred is, and consequently horror is just a joke for you. In reality, humanity is horror. Just think of all the putrid decadence and inner ugliness passed down genetically to all of us. We’re all potential child rapists, flaming homosexuals, murderers, thieves – and any other egocentric dung you could think of. And as much as it might appeal to you to support all this, in essence – our ‘nature’ – it’s just pathetic since you’d shit in your fucking panties if confronted to the real world out there."
And if this black metal shit doesn’t pay off Kvarforth and co. can always start up a sideline in motivational speaking. That would be a shame, however, as they also forge a convincing path as the grimmest of the grim, that’s right – practitioners of suicidal black metal™. Because, you know, humanity has never been responsible for, like, anything good, dude. And, you know, seeing the world in black and white is so much more comforting…
“And what is with you fucking morons, dissing men like Eminem and Manson – what? Is that jealousy due to the fact of them bringing this shit to the masses without pretensions for style?"
Marilyn Manson and Eminem seem to have pretensions to me. But then, I’m not cool with the (cooler than all the other black metal kidz) kids, what do I know? The neatly packaged angst and rebellion of MM is, I’m sure, very different to that of Shining. Sarcasm aside – and I’m sure you can tell I’m not a huge fan of what these Swedes have to say - the vehicle for their angst is undoubtedly different. Shining’s largely mid-paced black metal is compelling; just the right amount of melody, tight performances, emotive vocals, and atmosphere blacker than the chambers of a dead nun’s heart. Nice.
"I mean at least in their case the audience reflects the artists, right? Which is something that can’t be said for Shining, now, is it?"
Irony sneaking in again? Or do Shining fall prey to exactly the same conceited vanity, hollow narcicism and I’m-the-most-gr1mmest-and-fucked-up-nobody-understands-me-in-this-cruel-evil-world shallow pretensions they so detest in their fanbase? Tricky one to call. But yes, the music: acoustic sections, decent groove and great dynamics are all plusses. There are also a number of departures from the usually strictly-adhered-to suicidal BM template, when non-metal influences start to creep in. Carefully chosen samples add some humour to proceedings, and the quality of the music provides an integrity which, in my book, suggests irony rather than sincerity is a more likely impetus for their diktats. Bottom line, this all makes for a very solid release: great music, thought-provoking attitude, and a pitch black exterior. Highly recommended, top notch black metal.
"So take a long good look at yourself, because maybe Shining isn’t really you thing."
They have a point though, I’m not gr1m, kvlt, necro or even (I’m very happy to report) suicidal. Basically, I’m not cool. So you may want to ignore my advice concerning this fine album, and I’m sure the band neither want an endorsement from people like me, or care what I have to say. So I’ll leave the final words to them.
“Maybe, you should just turn on the radio and forget all about these obscure releases you have to buy in order to listen to. And maybe you should just give the fuck up understanding the perspectives of schizophrenics and psychos making art just to destroy the minds of stupid little kids with too big allowances. Shining’s not into building an army. Shining’s not a promise for the future. Shining’s just the pain of being human here and now. If you’re into the whole organized misanthropy thing, I suggest you go for shit like Dimmu Borgir instead. Anyway. On behalf of Shining and Selbstmord Services it’s my honor to extend a general deathwish to all of you fucking weaklings. Ahh, fuck you."
Official Shining Website
Official Shining Myspace
Official Peaceville Website