Bloodbound - new album out in the U.S.

I hope Bloodbound is one of those bands Hoyt plans on pulling outta the bag for later in the year!

out-of-state does not necessarily equal out-of-country. :p

As much as I'd love to work with those guys on a professional level, my own actual, real foldin' money doesn't stretch quite that far. :erk: Sorry to disappoint.
If anyone on here still haven't bought this amazing album yet...

It's available at Sentinel Steel for 13.88. Worth every measly penny...

I think it's my least favorite album of the 3, but still a very strong album. It seems to be lacking a little of the....hmmmm....attitude(?) of the first two maybe. Just something doesn't quite feel right with this one. Like I said, that's just comparing it to the first two (both 9/10 for me). As a disc on it's own, it's still HIGH quality melodic metal and I'd still give it 8/10.

I would definitely state that this one is different from the other two. For those who wrote them off initially as an old-school early Maiden clone, I suggest giving this one a spin as there isn't as much of that style. For those that really liked the first two, then this one isn't going to have the same "vibe", but I think it stands well on its Urban is back which makes it worth it.

Isn't there different personnel on this album compared to the others, which might explain the difference in style?
Isn't there different personnel on this album compared to the others, which might explain the difference in style?

Tomas, Fredrik, and Urban were also on Nosferatu. Not sure if Johan Sohlberg was the bassist on BotD, but if not, that would be the only change from BotD to TR (other than Urban of course). The difference IMO is who has songwriting duties: other than three songs on Nosferatu that Urban wrote/co-wrote, Tomas and Fredrik wrote everything on the first two albums. Urban and Tomas wrote all the songs on TR (not counting the godawful "Crying Kitten" song :heh:). Tomas's playing and songwriting has improved and matured IMO, and I am partial to Urban's songwriting anyway. :)

Good to see more discussion, and glad to see someone agree with my opinion--even if you wrote them off as too derivative before, this album is tons better IMO.
Just want to shout out how great this album is. I was spinning it this morning in the car (as I was spinning around in the snow), and I just had to say so. I wish they would re-record BOTD with Urban on vocals...that would kick all kinds of ass!

That is all...