Bloodstock indoor cancelled


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
"Press releases are all well and good, but more often than not are very precise, very sterile and skirt around the issues that need to be addressed! With that in mind, and seeing what we had presented as our “corporate” press release (don’t worry, Bloodstock hasn’t become suited and booted!) I felt obliged to put pen to paper myself and make an announcement that is “by fans for fans” as per the Bloodstock ethos.

Yes, the rumours are true. Bloodstock Open Air will be changing date this year. It was not an easy decision to make, and obviously one we would have preferred to not to have had to make in the first place, but under the circumstances we didn’t really have much of an alternative. I know what you’re thinking: “what circumstances are these then?” and to be honest, I would be thinking the exact same thing in your shoes. I would prefer not to go into any specifics at this time (mainly for fear of libel!) however let’s just say we found ourselves with increasingly mounting odds stacking up against us and the only way to overcome them was to move the event. So now the BOA festival will be happening on 16th, 17th and 18th August 2007 however we have managed to secure a bonus night for the Thursday which will feature a full headline set by the Bay Area legends TESTAMENT along with a support lineup tba This will set us up nicely for the metal event of 2007.

The weekend is shaping up rather well now, with the aforementioned Testament being joined by Korpiklaani, In Flames, Wolf, Lacuna Coil, Arch Enemy, Dream Evil, Memfis, Rise to Addiction to name but a few.

Due to the new dates of BOA being in such close proximity to the Indoor event it was unfortunately inevitable that we had to make the decision to postpone this year’s instalment. This decision was harder to make than moving the Outdoor as the Indoor is the heritage of Bloodstock and the foundation of where it all began. We have spent weeks arguing the pros and cons but ultimately it doesn’t make sense to run two similar festivals two weeks apart so this year the Indoor has to make way, but rest assured Indoor WILL RETURN next year however, but in a revised format as we will be looking to return to the origins of Bloodstock, the one day event at Derby Assembly Rooms, however it will be moved to later in the year, and in fact next years event has already been confirmed for 22 November 2008.

So, with the revised schedule for Bloodstock events this year, naturally this brings us onto the tricky issue of tickets as we know some of you will be unable to make the new dates, or some of you have bought Indoor tickets or Supporters club packs and are now wondering where this leaves you, and to those of you who have already bought their tickets (thank you!), we will email you all separately advising you of your options.

I would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding and hopefully we can put put to bed all the negativity which has surrounded the festival for the past couple of months and concentrate on making BOA the metal event of 2007.

Any comments or queries, please do not hesitate to get in touch. "

There you go folks....
That's gay that PQ won't have that triumphant homecoming, but hopefully Jamie's suggestion could come true..
this is a GOD DAMN disaster!

Now Blind Guardian = no point!! I'm not driving 8 hours to bloody Derby for In feckin Flames and to look at Christina Scabbia's breats all day.. I can do that on the internet lol!!

Bloodstock = GAY. The only 2 bands I cared about (PQ & BG) aren't there anymore... bugger that!
I think it's a great shame that Bloodstock has been cancelled. This was actually going to be the first one we'd attended and purely because PQ were on (ha ha now why does that not surprise you? hee hee).

It's always the fans that loose out in the end. Hotels/flights/train tickets ... most are none refundable and it's not like we'er all millionaires!

Grrrr and *sob* ... I think the only thing for it now would be for PQ to do a UK tour to cheer us all up again :loco:
Just about the only time I'm relieved that I chose not to go to Bloodstock this year :erk: I hope this is just a one-off!
I'd like to think this is just a one off but it's doubtful. I've seen the way Bloodstock has been going for a while and all it's looking like now is a replica of Download Festival.

I'm boycotting Bloodstock with a prime reason being I forked out £100 for a lifetime membership and I've had bugger all out of it. None of the promises were fulfilled and I haven't even had meaningful contact from anyone for bloody ages. At least when Vince was in charge he did respond eventually. Now try getting anything outta them....not gonna happen I'm afraid.

A shame it's come to this but I just can't see myself supporting this festival given the way they treat the fans. Compare that to Ragnaroek where I've just been in Germany....a Pagan metal fest that's stayed true to its roots for all 4 years of its existence, given the fans what they want, had the best organisation I've ever seen, had quality bands that we are unlikely to see in the UK etc. It was in a totally different league to every Bloodstock I've been to, even despite the fact I loved '03 and '04.
First Raganrok now this?!

What is it with live music in the UK? Why are we so shite at it compared to the rest of Europe?

I'm having to settle for which I mean Iron Maiden, DF, Slayer, Megadeth and Dream Theater
I'd like to think this is just a one off but it's doubtful. I've seen the way Bloodstock has been going for a while and all it's looking like now is a replica of Download Festival ....

I'm sorry to hear this DT. I don't agree with the Download comment but you are not the first. There are more bands to be announced which I am sure will appeal to the core fans. In fact the announcement of Epica and Kiuas has already seen some have a rethink of their previous negativity.

Just to answer some of your comments ... I have been assured there will be further BSI events and, more than likely, further Bloodstock event this year so I would not put BS to bed just yet. There is also an apprecaition that the Rock Soc and especially lifetime membership of the Rock Society has not been as good value deal as was first envisaged. I for one have been very unhappy with what I haven't had too. However, I know Lee has been looking to rectify this since he took over the responsibility for this area. I don't think Vince can be entirely blameless for the lack of well ... anything ... prior. It's easy to blame the current team if you don't like the changes etc but they are doing the best they can in what haven't always been very easy circumstances.

I am presuming you went to Ragnaroek with Glyn as press for Power Metal UK? I look forward to the review. It's great that they can put such specialised festivals on in Europe, however, in the UK, it would never survive. There just isn't the audience here ... hence why BS is going for a mix of different METAL styles without straying to far from the typical Bloodstock core.