Bloodstock indoor cancelled

I'm sorry to hear this DT. I don't agree with the Download comment but you are not the first. There are more bands to be announced which I am sure will appeal to the core fans. In fact the announcement of Epica and Kiuas has already seen some have a rethink of their previous negativity.

Just to answer some of your comments ... I have been assured there will be further BSI events and, more than likely, further Bloodstock event this year so I would not put BS to bed just yet. There is also an apprecaition that the Rock Soc and especially lifetime membership of the Rock Society has not been as good value deal as was first envisaged. I for one have been very unhappy with what I haven't had too. However, I know Lee has been looking to rectify this since he took over the responsibility for this area. I don't think Vince can be entirely blameless for the lack of well ... anything ... prior. It's easy to blame the current team if you don't like the changes etc but they are doing the best they can in what haven't always been very easy circumstances.

I am presuming you went to Ragnaroek with Glyn as press for Power Metal UK? I look forward to the review. It's great that they can put such specialised festivals on in Europe, however, in the UK, it would never survive. There just isn't the audience here ... hence why BS is going for a mix of different METAL styles without straying to far from the typical Bloodstock core.

That's right, I did go to Ragnaroek with Glyn but not as press. I will however be writing a review of the event as I feel I should.

I don't want to sound like I'm having a go at the current team and I know as well that Vince isn't entirely blameless in this. I will be watching the line up with interest to see what bands are confirmed but even so I won't be able to make it as getting a holiday in August now would prove impossible especially as I've got the two weeks off surrounding Wacken.

Kiuas are certainly the most interesting band on the line up now I think, and getting them over was definitely a good move. Obviously I don't want to come across as a bastard here but it's the first announcements that really disappointed me, although I know they will draw a pretty large crowd.

I think the problem is half down to me as I've developed a strong love for everything pagan and my taste in metal has taken a real shift when it comes to going to live shows. I still will always love power metal and black metal but I have a taste now that is very hard to satisfy with a UK fest so I guess that can't be helped.

I think my tone in the last post may also have come across more harsh than I intended. The last thing I want to do is unnecessarily offend anyone so I'll leave it at that. If the event this year turns out to be a massive success then I won't begrudge anyone that.
It's gonna be pretty hard to recover from losing one of the biggest and best Power Metal bands in the world, and losing Blind Guardian is'nt going to help matters either :D