Bloodstock meet up

Peter Day

Oct 14, 2001
Ickleford. Hitchin.UK
Hi all,
just thought i'd ask if anyone, whether they be going to this event or not, who lives up Derby way if they would like to meet up as fellow Area 54/ metal fans.
I intend to go to the White House pub like last year so you can always meet me there. i will take and wear an Area 54top.

Hey Metalman and son of metalman have you decided what day you are going up. Are you going Friday and staying overnight?

Ian did you say you were going i think you did?
SilentPlanetScot = Shit... to coin a phrase! Fuck off if you don't like Area 54 - we do like them, so your opinion doesn't mean shit to us! What the hell are you doing anyway wasting your time on a forum for a band which you don't even like you loser???!!! To quote Manowar - "Eat shit and die - fuck you"! Fair play for the Maiden name though, but other than that... you suck.

Yes Pete I will definitely be going to Bloodstock with a few other true metallers from Birmingham! I want to do a meet up for sure, but I think it would be best for me to meet you guys and the band inside the venue as I'm not sure what the rest of the Brummies will want to do before hand! Should still rock though... cannot wait! \m/
It's quite funny actually, seeing as Area 54 aren't playing at Bloodstock this year so really your argument has no relevance. I rest my case.

Peter - I will be travelling up to sunny Derby with Madgirl on the thursday, seems like we are making a week of it (near enough!) I'm sure I'll see you there on the saturday though. I'm gonna be running from Bal Sagoth to see Gamma Ray, I wanted to see some of the second stage bands last year, but I thought it would be easier to stay at the main stage. But this year I'm gonna try and at least see 1 song from each band!

Can't wait, its gonna rock so hard I'll probably die but I'll get over it.