We managed to get to 5 out of the 7 gigs. Is this the record?:Smug:
After driving over 1000 miles( mostly in circles 'cos we kept getting lost !!) the highlights for me were Camden and Liverpool, followed closely by Nottingham.
The sound at Manchester was indeed excellent, and Birmingham was just plain weird, Ive never been to a gig where all the bands had to be finished and off stage by 10 o'clock!
yes, attendance at some of the venues was pretty poor, but that was more than made up for by the enthusiasm of those who did turn up to see three great bands doing what they do best. We really missed Fourway Kill at Liverpool though.
We met some really great people, old friends and new, and thats what its all about.
Hi,and well done to Lyn and Dave who did a brilliant job with the merchandising for all the bands, and to Vince for the whole tour. It was brilliant and We cant wait for the next one!!