Bloodstock Reflection! A* all round!

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Bloodstock Reflection!

Sadly I missed Twelvepointhead, EnemyMaker888, Primordial, Bal Sagoth and Return To The Sabbat but on a totally positive note I witnessed: -

INFOBIA: Opened with I Am The One and the crowd seemed to enjoy it and the mood was set. I know their setlist also included WHYGM, Destined To Feel, Are You Mine and Breathe. I just wished they'd had the time to include Jellyfish and Anybody. Hopefully these will be played at their Abracaddabra's gig and they'll be well received there too.

BIOMECHANICAL: I didn't really know what to expect form this young band, I was a bit weary to begin with but on TownieSlayer's recommendation I thought I'd give them a go and I'm bloody well glad I did! A good solid all round performance, I was impressed enough to buy their CD and hopefully these lads will make it.

FREEDOM CALL: Very Very impressive, esp, on Land Of The Light and their title track. Hopefully they'll be back in the UK soon with a full setlist.

BALANCE OF POWER: I didn't see their full set but I enjoyed what I saw, they reminded me a bit of Pre Empire Era Queensryche which is always a good thing. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this band in the future.

ELVENKING: I only saw a touch of their setlist but the darwin suit seemed packed and full of energy. Total respect must go out to Elvenking and Martin for getting it together and putting out a top performance at such little notice.

THRESHOLD: Only briefly witnessed due to signing times but I was impressed with what I saw. I'll keep an eye for future shows - I love their latest album.

DIAMOND HEAD: Classic NWOBHM stuff and a number thrown in from their Death And Progress album. The festival will always need a band like this. I hope their tour goes down well and they record a new full electric album soon.

GAMMA RAY: Highlight of my day, Totally Overwhelming 11/10 on the Glynster Rating Scale. From Rebellion to Somewhere they played with energy and enthusiasm, I just hope they all know how popular they are in the UK and come back real soon. I was even fortunate enough to catch a Dan drumstick. Also I met the band at the signing and I can honestly say they're a genuine great bunch of fellows and basically epitomise what Heavy Metal is all about. Many Thanks Gamma Ray!

BLIND GUARDIAN: I don't think any band in the world could have come close to the power of Gamma Ray's performance. Guardian really tried but just didn't quite match the Rays. I'd still give them a 9/10 on the GRS and the highlights of their performance for me where Bright Eyes and Mordred's Song. I'd have been a happier Teddy Bear if they'd performed And Then There Was Silence but not too worry. I hope they come back real soon and I can't wait for their live album to be released.

BLOODSTOCK: A totally brilliant day out, excellent merchandise, running order seemed to be on time, no probs with the orange juice running out. As Dragonmaiden pointed out SOME of the Security won't be winning any Mr Friendly awards but they had a job to do and most of them were decent folk. It was also nice to see some faces from the world of metal/rock such as: Bob Catley, Nikki and Chris from Shadow Keep and Herman Li from Dragonforce, hopefully now this event is getting the recognition it deserves. Anyway roll on Bloodstock03 and thanks to all the bands and promoters for such a joyous saturday!

A great day for Heavy Metal(er, maybe that's going a bit far but it's a great way to start a post!). Indoor Wacken 02 started with massive queues that necessitated sitting in a pub over the road waiting for them to dwindle (which took 80 minutes and the first two bands). On arrival in the Assembly Rooms (quite a nice little venue as it goes) we find Twelvepointhead going about their undistinguished business so head off for a quick look at the Metal Market and the opportunity to join another queue, this time for beer.
And then it's time for a delayed Freedom Call, and everything's cool again. Abso-motherfucking-lutely cool again. ONE OF THEIR SONGS SOUNDS LIKE EUROPE! 45 Mminutes of ludicrously pompous power/speed metal that only the Europeans can pull off effectively. For sure.
It's a quick look at the birds on the merch stall again (that cerise top!) before seeing some disappointing stuff from Enemymaker888. Guys- only cover songs if your vocalist knows the words...a criminal dismemberment of Emerald had me shaking my head in disbelief.
And things weren't much better back in the main hall, as Balance Of Power trotted out theur Dokken meets TNT chops for a (it has to be said) appreciative few. Sadly delays have meant that the two stages are now hopelessly out of kilter so it's time to leave the mainstage hairfest to go and see Elvenking over the way.
Except the singer with Elvenking has been diagnosed with Crone's disease and been advised by quacks to stop singing. Consequently they rip through a half dozen hastily learnt Skyclad songs with original Skyclad throatsmith Martin Walkyier to a fantastic response from the Darwin Suite throng. It's always good to hear Skyclad, and the Elvenking juvenes made a great fist of things.
Back to the main 'arena' and still no one has had as big a crowd or as good a response as Freedom Call. I'd heard a lot of good things about Threshold but sadly they didn't live up to the whispers. A bassist who seems to have learned all his moves from Saxon's Steve Dawson, two charisma free guitarists and a vocalist who spent the first half of the set serenading his girlfriend before turning, somewhat alarmingly, into Meat Loaf. @#%$ brilliant drummer though.
Which brings us to the much vaunted return of an "it's electric" Diamond Head. For the first half of the set they sucked, but then they pulled out thoose songs they do that sound like Metallica and ended with a suitably titanic Am I Eviland the thirtysomethings in the crowd managed their first full blooded throaty roar of the day. A small victory. A Quick pint (Stella if you're offering, cheers) and back to the Darwin for Bal Sagoth. Now, my Metal Heart is as hard to Tear Apart as the next man's but Bal Sagoth represent everything that Guardian readers snigger at about the genre- THEY'VE GOT THEIR OWN @#%$ LANGUAGE FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! Nowhere near as good as when they blew Emperor away a few years back, Bal Sagoth were atrocious. But the room was packed and they went down well, so it must be me I guess.
Certain members of the crowd look metalled out by now (8.00) so the reception given to Gamma Ray is nothing short of astounding- 1700 pissed-up headbangers of all ages hailing Hansen's men like conqueing heroes. Two words sum up this fantastic performance- synchronised headbanging. Something we don't see enough of on British stages.
After that Premier League performance Blind Guardian were always going to be strictly Nationwide Division 1 but turned in the solid sort of performance you'd expect from an act with ten albums under their belt. Basically, they don't have as many decent songs as Gamma Ray so halfway throught heir set we Headed Out To The Highway and home...
So, farewell then, Bloodstock 02- a great day out for all the family- here's to next year!

With difficulty and much crowd barging I was able to see at least a bit of each band, except Infobia, here's what I thought:

BIOMECHANICAL: Pretty cool, better than expected. I used up to much early-on energy headbanging to these guys. Great performance.

TWELVEPOINTHEAD: Still not entirely sure why they were here, certainly not my cup of tea. I would like to say "they're good at what they do" but they're not.

FREEDOM CALL: Hell yeah! They didn't play the only song I know ("Rise up") despite many shouts for it at the end. But a great, gloriously cheesy set that we just don't see enough of any more. Hope to see them again sometime soon.

ENEMYMAKER888: Some good riffs, but all quite samey and at least one not very impressive cover. A lot of potential though.

BALANCE OF POWER: This band were on top form. Watched it from the side of the stage but everything;image, sound, attitude was spot on. Even with "technical difficulties".

ELVENKING: One of my favourite bands on the bill, I was bitterly disappointed when Damna left so soon before the date. Martin and co. performed some impressive Skyclad covers and really got the crowd going - but I still left feeling a little empty.

THRESHOLD: Had previously heard some of the stuff and was quite impressed, but not too impressed with the live performance. The band just didn't look like they wanted to be there and there was hardly any one in the room.

PRIMORDIAL: There had to be at least one of these sorts of bands on the bill, so luckily it was a good one. Long, meaningful tracks and singer in top form led to an impressive set.

DIAMOND HEAD: As with most people I only know "Am I evil", but I was dead impressed with the hole set, especially the song in question. A great band even after all this time.

BAL SAGOTH: I had heard many good things about this lot and they lived up to it. What a great voice! What a fantastic reaction! What a bizarre drum kit! Certainly wouldn't mind seeing them again.

GAMMA RAY: A very good set, very good songs. But we expected no less from a band of this calibre. Definately a high point of the set.

SABBAT: Only saw the first two tracks (in order to get a good place for the headliners) but both tracks were good.

BLIND GUARDIAN: Fantastic, lived up to all expectations. Played all my favourites (Valhalla, Lost in the twilight hall, Welcome to dying, Lord of the rings etc.). Defiantely the best band of the day, can't wait to see them back on these shores again.



I was able to see at least a bit of each band, except Infobia

:( Bugger..

Did anyone get to see us? I'm sure someone was in the room ;)