Bloodstock - Spread the Word!


Sep 9, 2002

Subject to the success of this event, amust4music will endeavour to promote a festival later this year, or early next - "Eurofest" with bands such as Rhapsody, Stratovarius, Gamma Ray, Iron Saviour, Children of Bodom, Sinner, Gathering, Axel Rudi Pell etc etc. You name it, we'll try to get it. So all you message board pundits, get out there and spread the word of Bloodstock so that UK people support this event (rather than it be full of Euro-peeps travelling over for it! - Keeping it British means the fans also!!)



I have been spreading the word about "BLOODSTOCK" like crazy, including a few people on holiday in Venezuela.
I have just got back to England and recieved my tape from "MIDNIGHT CONFIGURATION" and they sound really good, unfortunately it appears that they are no longer able to play due to their keyboard player leaving recently, so you lot will have to wait a bit longer to hear them.
Can someone please find out the truth about whether Martin is leaving SKYCLAD or not??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really hope it is just gossip and not fact.

Oh well, fingers crossed. See you all soon