

New Metal Member
Sep 8, 2003
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please please can we get rid of all this euro-style metal outdated boring twee -not heavy in the slightest seems to be all there is on the main stage--paradise lost apart who where pretty decent--and mercury rain my god possibly the most out of tune singer i've ever heard-just awful. if bloodstock is going to have a nwobhm band on can the guitarist be able to play please angelwitch are fantastic and the ultimate metal band would be budgie the uncrowned masters and brilliant live. on a more positive note i thought the mix of bands on the second stage was excellent a real cross-section and most of the bands were actually heavy-bates motel -excellent, fourwaykill-excellent.come on lets have some thrash and death andstoner stuff on the main stage next year
Budgie or Angelwitch as special guests would be amazing ! I agree there is too much Euro Metal at Bloodstock. Don't get me wrong, I love Euro stuff but you need diversity at a festival ( I have definately suffered from Euro Metal fatigue at the last two Bloodstocks ). Bands I would love to see include Rhapsody, Manowar, Primal Fear, Symphony X, Katatonia, Opeth, Nevermore, Arch Enemy, Nile, Magnum, Mercyful Fate, Sentenced, Moonspell, ...........
i agree to an extent with your euro fatigue, twould be great to get some doom stuff on and som NWOBHM but i still want plenty of power metal...
prince_of_darkness54321 said:
stop moaning, if u dont liek bloodstock go to another fukin festival, dnt try and change this fest, why would they when its rapidly growing, so they must be doing something right

Well Said Prince Of Darkness!

Wishbone is probably God_King under another name :lol:
Ok - honesty here - I think the diversity of Bloodstock is the one thing that makes it such a hit! Yeah, there is a lot of 'euro' metal, but there is still room for 'doom', 'thrash' and nmbohm.
It appeals to loads - for every person who thought Paradise Lost were great, there are a few that think the complete opposite. Is that a problem? No way! Everyone likes different things and slagging off anothers personal musical taste is just a complete waste of time cos you will never change them.
We all went for a good time, to see bands that we liked and check out others we had never heard of. A metal fest is that - gorge yourselves on music and thank goodness that Vince and the organisers are not as narrow as some people and limit music to only one type.
Here's to 04 carrying on the success!!
Hmmm, I find myself agreeing with Wishbone to an extent.

I do think that the main stage needs to be a bit more like the Darwin suite, with a broader range of bands on it.
Mind you dispite some terrible bands on the main stage, I still really enjoyed this year.

Too many Power/Death/Black/Folk/Thrash/NWOBH Metal bands...Boring

(Delete as Applicable)

Bloodstock 3 was good, the bands that I actually went to see were brilliant and Paradise were a good surprise, I hope that Bloodstock isn't like that every year, the power metal content was too high.

And before anyone says anything, If Bloodstock does have as much power Metal next year, then I will go to another Fukin Festival, one with a broad music style, that isn't playing to one crowd only.
well the prince of darkness is obviously simple but if you choose to spell like that mr darkness the only thing that freedom calls and sabbat had in common was they were both dire you fukwit. if bloodstock is to get better then there should be room for all styles of metal you obviously don't have a wide enough knowledge of the genre,you need to stop listening to so much cokrok, paradise lost were the best band on the main stage and one of only 2 bands who showed any real diversity you may argue but deep down you know i'm right,don't you
wishbone said:
well the prince of darkness is obviously simple but if you choose to spell like that mr darkness the only thing that freedom calls and sabbat had in common was they were both dire you fukwit. if bloodstock is to get better then there should be room for all styles of metal you obviously don't have a wide enough knowledge of the genre,you need to stop listening to so much cokrok, paradise lost were the best band on the main stage and one of only 2 bands who showed any real diversity you may argue but deep down you know i'm right,don't you
Sorry wishbone, but though I'm sure you believe that you are right, freedom call ( note no s! ) were very good - they came on stage and enjoyed it and it wasn't hard for them to appreciate the crowd. Paradise Lost are well named, because they lost at least one fan by their performance at bloodstock - they...or at least their singer ( he who shall remain nameless!) displayed arrogance and total disregard for audience...contempt is a strong word, but I'm sure he contemplated it.
And - what exactly gives you the right to name call others??? Don't do it - it just displays your ignorance and immaturity.:yell:
This board is for people to express an opinion sure - not to give you or any others out there the chance to show how grown up they are by using foul and abusive language! ( and spelt wrong too! o_O) Use english!

*Gets off soapbox*
Sorry - it just needed saying........
wishbone said:
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Paradise Lost were the best band on the main stage and one of only 2 bands that showed any diversity Blah Blah Blah ...Blah ....BLAH!!!

Good to see that you enjoyed Paradise Lost. I hope you enjoyed meeting them at the signing too where they spent so much time meeting and chatting to their fans ;)
hey there i bet the friday nights just fly by in your house lady little 'un are you a 14 year old hippy social worker by any chance hey come on lets all hold hands and thank god for your insight into the goodness of mankind--my language was in response to another message --get into your soapbox if you have nothing interesting to say and eagle paradise lost come on you loved them really didn't you !
wishbone said:
well the prince of darkness is obviously simple but if you choose to spell like that mr darkness the only thing that freedom calls and sabbat had in common was they were both dire you fukwit. if bloodstock is to get better then there should be room for all styles of metal you obviously don't have a wide enough knowledge of the genre,you need to stop listening to so much cokrok, paradise lost were the best band on the main stage and one of only 2 bands who showed any real diversity you may argue but deep down you know i'm right,don't you

Paradise Lost were utter B****** but that is just my opinion. And excuse me but who are you to be telling anyone what they should or should not be listening to? Who was the second of the two bands to show diversity? I think Def Leppard and Poison should play next year how about that for diversifying?
wishbone said:
paradise lost were the best band on the main stage and one of only 2 bands who showed any real diversity
I think you must have been at a different Bloodstock to me :) Paradise Lost were one of the worst bands on the main stage. In fact, thinking about it, they were probably *the* worst. But that just illustrates that people are complaining about the lack of diversity without good cause. The fact that I think they sucked and you think they rocked demonstrates that Bloodstock is catering for a variety of tastes. I agree that a bit more diversity wouldn't hurt, but I'd be wary of changing a winning formula too much...
Saying that Paradise Lost were the worst band does absolutely no good.

For every person who hates them, there is someone who loves them, but that is my reason for wanting diversity, if you have bands from a wider range that would be better.

Bloodstock had only 2 bands on the Main Stage that weren't power metal(in my opinion) do you honestly think that is enough diversity.

I can honestly see myself not going next year if the band choice isn't made to encompass more styles.
Eagle said:
Good to see that you enjoyed Paradise Lost. I hope you enjoyed meeting them at the signing too where they spent so much time meeting and chatting to their fans ;)
Hey come on, they came in from a German gig that day, cut them some slack! :)
I didn't see Paradise Lost as I was headbanging furiously to Biomechanical at the time!! THEY were fantastic! No doubt about that!! I've seen Paradise Lost before and was dissapointed by them, but this time they actually played my 2 fave songs which I wish I'd heard, but I feel I got the best end of the stick, cos the Biomechs were stunning :yow: :worship: :tickled:

Can't wait for Biomechanical to tour again!! :hotjump:
