
Eagle said:
Paradise Lost

You see, I didn't see Saxon or Saracen. And also I said "in my opinion", some people have strange opinions so that is what I was talking about.

Ok fair enough, 4 bands, that's still not much diversity, and 5th man down only had a small set.
Let's be honest, though, if you don't like power metal then you won't like Saracen, since a lot of the time their sound is quite similar.

Much as I love power metal, I too would like some more diversity. Even though I hate Paradise Lost I realise that some people did enjoy them, which is great. Plus, there's always the chance that I might end up being introduced to a sub-genre of metal that I've never listened to before. :)
PopcornDave said:
Let's be honest, though, if you don't like power metal then you won't like Saracen, since a lot of the time their sound is quite similar.

Much as I love power metal, I too would like some more diversity. Even though I hate Paradise Lost I realise that some people did enjoy them, which is great. Plus, there's always the chance that I might end up being introduced to a sub-genre of metal that I've never listened to before. :)

As I've said on countless occasions Power Metal is an extremely diverse genre in it's own right. At the extreme end you get the Iced Earth's, Chidren Of Bodom's & Nevermore's that have a cross over with Death & Thrash.

I still and always will think Bloodstock would be better if the mainstage was purely Power Metal orientated or Traditional Metal. Also it's pointless anyone replying to this paragraph because I'll never change my mind.

This would be rather awesome as a possible mainstage line up

Twisted Sister

Shadow Keep
Riff Master General

The darwin suite on the friday could house the quality bands that don't really into a specific genre such as this years Illuminatus, Bates Motel & fithmandown. And then the saturday could be an all day session of extreme thrash/black/death/celtic metal.
Eagle said:
As I've said on countless occasions Power Metal is an extremely diverse genre in it's own right. At the extreme end you get the Iced Earth's, Chidren Of Bodom's & Nevermore's that have a cross over with Death & Thrash.

I still and always will think Bloodstock would be better if the mainstage was purely Power Metal orientated or Traditional Metal. Also it's pointless anyone replying to this paragraph because I'll never change my mind.

This would be rather awesome as a possible mainstage line up

Twisted Sister

Shadow Keep
Riff Master General

The darwin suite on the friday could house the quality bands that don't really into a specific genre such as this years Illuminatus, Bates Motel & fithmandown. And then the saturday could be an all day session of extreme thrash/black/death/celtic metal.
you sad sad man
Metal Dog said:
Paradise Lost were utter B****** but that is just my opinion. And excuse me but who are you to be telling anyone what they should or should not be listening to? Who was the second of the two bands to show diversity? I think Def Leppard and Poison should play next year how about that for diversifying?
oh i see so you are allowed an opinion but if i have an opinion i'm telling people what they should or should not be listening to ! isn't the idea that a metalfest should be for metal of all types not just one as was the main stage on the saturday.the friday night on the main stage was good 4 very different bands made for a good night.finally listen if you are into def leppard and poison maybe you should be going somewhere else ! p.s have you got high hair ?
Heavy Metal Samurai said:
Saying that Paradise Lost were the worst band does absolutely no good.

For every person who hates them, there is someone who loves them, but that is my reason for wanting diversity, if you have bands from a wider range that would be better.

Bloodstock had only 2 bands on the Main Stage that weren't power metal(in my opinion) do you honestly think that is enough diversity.

I can honestly see myself not going next year if the band choice isn't made to encompass more styles.
well said although i'll probably still be there
u aint sad eagle, i tihnk tht set would kik ass!!!lovely, and whishbone i tihnk u should realise more that not everyone likes the shit u listen to and not everyone wants to see the bands u want to, and also diveristy is the reason we have the 2 dif stages, altho it aint exactly right, the main stage is power metal and the darwin is more extreme stuff, i no we didnt have tht exactly last year, but ur going on bout the lack of diverisy on the main stage, saying theresnot enuf thrash, extreme or wateva, i could do the same by saying theres not enuf power metal in the darwin could i not?