Blue Man Group - Audio


Jun 3, 2003
Who has heard this? I think at times it's metal but without any metal aesthetics. Almost "reverse metal." The songs Opening Mandelbrot and Klein Mandelbrot are definitely worth checking out. Klein Mandelbrot is absolutely epic, with things you'd usually get in metal being creatively replaced. Double bass is replaced with a constant drum beat with some tonal variance. It makes you wonder why no one uses multiple tones in their bass drum patterns. At times a cimbalom pattern is basically a tremelo picked guitar part. Bass guitar is replaced with low drums. The entire thing opens up new possibilities for metal instrumentation. There are guitar, zither, and chapman stick rhythms that recall metal more than anything else. I strongly recommend turning up these two songs.
Great show, I've seen them twice in Vegas. Though I wasn't too into their album. It was a few years ago that I owned it, however, so I think I'll see if I can download it and give it another chance.