Blurring the lines between doom/death and indie rock


Nov 9, 2001
That's what the new Novembers Doom album does, seriously. Aside from the death vocals and a couple palm-muted moments, most of the music is open-handed, really lush melodic atmospherics with a rock beat behind it.

I love this album, not only because the songs are good but also because it's contributing to advancing the meaning of the word 'metal' - or conversely, it's not a metal record, but still existing in the scene therefore acting as an eye-opener.

Sam, I think you would like the new Novembers Doom a lot.. I have a copy for you, I'll mail it with your stuff.
Josh - yes. I have already pirated my copy 200 times and spread it around the internet, so I don't see what harm could come from pirating just one more. :)

Actually, I just realized that no one has entered the tracks into CDDB yet for this album. :D *rubs hands together shiftily*
Originally posted by FuSoYa
Josh - yes. I have already pirated my copy 200 times and spread it around the internet, so I don't see what harm could come from pirating just one more. :)

Actually, I just realized that no one has entered the tracks into CDDB yet for this album. :D *rubs hands together shiftily*

What's the CDDB? Never seen that... but it sounds cool. Do it!
Originally posted by FuSoYa
you have never heard of the CDDB??! I'm astonished.

hehe I am so totally calling "Lost in a Day" Lost and I'm Gay. You asked for it, buddy! mwa ha!
At one point, Paul and Neil came up with drug reference titles for each song.
Not My Bong
Lost in a Haze
Within My Hash
The Spirit Weed
The Cannabis Cigarette
Pot Fields for Millions