Blut Aus Nord - Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination


Jun 17, 2004
Blut Aus Nord - Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination
Candlelight Records - CDL347 - November 20, 2007
By George Grant


“We charge tradition with being an excuse for idleness, unpersonality and regression. We praise evolution for being the logical consequence of creation, progression and elevation.” This was the battle cry of Blut Aus Nord’s seminal album, The Work Which Transforms God. An album that still to this day mystifies listeners. 2006’s MoRT, certainly followed with the band’s newly adopted creed. It was an album that evolved the band’s sound to an even further plateau, one which had little resemblance to the black metal origins of the band. Not to mention that it received very mixed reviews from fans and critics alike. Now in 2007 Blut Aus Nord has released another album, Odinist: The Destruction of Reason by Illumination. However, unlike the previous efforts Odinist sees the band doing something they’ve never done before, and that’s harking back to a previous style.

Very quickly into the first official track on the album, ‘An Element of Flesh,’ it is apparent that Blut Aus Nord has returned back to the familiar style as heard on The Work Which Transforms God. The reasons for this switch are debatable, and considering the band’s statement on evolution it is a bit curious to say to least. However, fans of the style will no doubt be pleased to hear the sharp, angled and dissonant guitar riffs perfected by the band are back. These riffs are accompanied by the cold mechanical syncopated drum beats that compliment the guitar perfectly. This isn’t to say that the band hasn’t thrown in a few new methods to their playing. On the title track Blut Aus Nord mixes things up by having a solitary repeating melodic line to serve as the basis for the song. This is in stark contrast to the atonal foundation which Odinist is built upon, and offers an interesting moment on the album. Also, listeners will find that unlike The Work Which Transforms God, the vocals are deeper than the screams heard on the earlier album.

When these attributes are added together it creates a very hypnotic listening experience. Whether or not this will result in an interesting listen really depends on the listener. For me, I found the album to be a bit boring. Over the course of Odinist it really feels as though the band is just lagging in ideas. Whereas, on TWWTFG the album continuously was attacking my senses and offered a horrific listen and essentially everything I’d want in a black metal album. Also, due to the monotonous nature of the record there is really no stand out track. Do not expect any ‘Procession of the Clowns’ type songs to tie the album together.

Ultimately, I feel that Odinist will be yet another polarizing album for Blut Aus Nord. The transfer back to the style of TWWTFG will certainly please some listeners, but I feel that the material on the album does not stand up to the earlier album. It seems as though Blut Aus Nord has done what they claim to be against.

Official Blut Aus Nord Website
Official Candlelight Records Website