bob larson is a fucking whore

thebigyetti said:
i agree, but where did this come from warrel?
I don't know, but at 7am, he's either a memeber of the "sunshine club" or the "been up all night club." Well, the other alternative is the one I'm a member of which is the "got stuck sleeping on the side with the air conditioner and froze solid so I left the room to thaw" club... Personally, I don't see him as a sunshine club member, but since I don't know him, maybe he does get up just to watch the sun rise...and post about hypocritical, freakishly misguided pawns of greed... I know that when I first wake up or am sleep deprived, my opinions of things are a little more acute.

I must say that for "doing what Jesus did," Mr. Larson sure looks to be older than 33, and he's not dead, yet. So, he can't be doing EXACTLY what Jesus did...
Iris said:
Who is Bob Larson?
Feast your eyes (but not mind) on and don't hurt yourself giggling. He's got a very high sense of self-importance.

I listened to his little .ram file of an exorcism up until the point I vomited...the thing that got me what that despite the actual intent or inferred intent of the sound file was to hear the demons be driven out of this young fella who was screwed up from an abusive father and porn, was that during the introduction he had to make SPEACIAL MENTION of how this lady (mother of possessed boy) made her pledge of $10K blah, blah, blah. "Now, she wasn't a rich woman..." Not overly bright, either.

I had to reboot my computer to purge the brainwashing vibe...reminded me so much of the X-Files on FX last night (the one with the fellow who used the power of suggestion to off people).

I still maintain that he wants to do what Jesus did, we need to find someone to crucify him. Otherwise, he's just a poseur. I do believe that "fucktard" is an apt description.
Poison God said:
Godmoney........nuff said.
OK, I couldn't resist...These are book titles:
Disney And The Bible
Horror & Violence: The Deathly Duo
The Truth About Power Rangers
Dinosaurs: The Bible, Barney and Beyond
Treasury of Presidential Quotations
Mormonism's Temple of Doom
Final Signs - Amazing Prophecies of the End Times

Is it just me, or does he not have enough hobbies?
I think I just saw Indiana Jones running towards a Mormon Temple of Doom...
Leper Messiah, Godmoney,Dr. X.....this guy reeks..."The Truth about Spiritual Freedom," indeed...
Utter horse shit like this always induces my gag reflex. I honestly can not watch that bullshit crap they play on television... people getting "healed" and whatnot. Oh my fucking God (mind the pun) it makes me so angry at both the greedy and manipulating few and the spineless, thoughtless fucken sheep that attend and believe in this propoganda.

An encyclopedic handbook on all you need to know about demons, the devil, angels, deliverance, exorcism, satanism, the occult, witchcraft & psychic phenomena. It includes the latest information on:
  • <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Influence of witchcraft and paganism in today’s culture. <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Warnings about activities leading to demonic bondage. <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Biblical foundation for understanding spiritual warfare. <LI style="TEXT-ALIGN: left">Satanic possession and how to perform an exorcism!
fucking jesus I hope this arsehole dies choking on his own vomit.
yeah whoops it wasn't supposed to look all fucked up like that but the main point is still there.

Look at this shit... "It includes the latest information on:... Satanic possession and how to perform an exorcism!"
I love, LOVE those evangelist shows, ahahahhaa.

A bunch of dumb idiots getting like, smacked in the head or something and the guy hollers, "YOU....ARE.....HEEYELLED".
Then they cry their brains out and fill the dudes wallet, hahaha.

As for the matter of the subject, I don't believe there is a God, so if he wants to line his pockets with using the name of something that doesn't exist, I'm not offended. At least he's entertaining us, hahahah
yeah... what is it with the whole "southern-retarded-hick" voice they all have? It's kinda cool I guess cause metal pays that voice out so much... ala Skinlab "No Sympathy (for the Devil)", Testament "So Many Lies" etc etc... What a bunch of fucktards. There must be some bullshit school they all go to where they get routinely sodomised by priests, taught to manage finances and talk like a fuck. AMEN-A!
There is a great article in the new issue of FHM ( I know, shut up )
with Reverend Brian Connor. He performs exorcisms and has even battled the devil himself!
He has dealt with all forms of " demonic possession " and even claims he knows what evil smells like ! :tickled:
The guy comes off like a total moron in the article.
check it out.

&#8220;Bob Larson is a demon slayer!&#8221;-- The Learning Channel

If Larson is a demon slayer, then i'm a fucking battle angel!! :Shedevil:
:yell: ARRRRRRRRGH!!! :yell:
