bob larson is a fucking whore

PiNkMaGGiT said:
all you need to know about demons, the devil, angels, deliverance, exorcism, satanism, the occult, witchcraft & psychic phenomena.
Wow. He's better than a lot of people I know. Most people just say they know a lot, but are still journeying, learning....that sort of thing. If I knew there was a one-stop-shop for all my questions and learning guides, I'd have gone here FIRST...heck with the Edgar Cayce foundation, or all those hippie "new age" places.

You know...that hurt. I'll stop that, now.
My favorite saying, ever:
Influence of witchcraft and paganism in today’s culture
Considering "paganism" is the largest influence on any organized religion, today, this always kills me. You wouldn't have 80-90% of the ritualized practices in the Catholic church were it not for the Old Religions. And, for what it's worth, the pagans I hang out with (including me...), our "influence" tends to lean towards community service, honoring nature and taking care of our environment to give our children better places to live. This, of course, is diametrically opposed to the new "Rock Church" near us that obliterated 15 acres of natural deciduous forest to create a 10,000 member facility with stables for horses, an olympic size baptizing font (outdoor pool with steps...), and parking for 15,000. "We love all of God's creations" except the ones that get in the way of making our money machine.

Warnings about activities leading to demonic bondage.
This sounds like something we might need to ask Maisie about... :grin:

You know what gets me? They BELIEVE they're doing "the right thing."
Iris said:
“Bob Larson is a demon slayer!”-- The Learning Channel
If Larson is a demon slayer, then i'm a fucking battle angel!! :Shedevil:
:yell: ARRRRRRRRGH!!! :yell:
You'd think the Learning Channel would be less retarded... Then again...

I'd pay money to see Mr. Demon Slayer face an actual demon. The ones I've seen aren't what I would call terrifying, but the amount of sage we went through scrubbing afterward could have made A LOT of roast chicken... Suppose Mr. Larson cooks with sage?
fuck facing a demon

let's seem him take on a penguin WITH HIS SATANIC CHRISTIAN CRUSHING NORDIC STEEL!!!!!!!!!!
I'll throw 'm rotten apples that fell from The Tree of good and evil...
if we can't eat them, we'll make bombs of them!
Otherwise it was just a waste of time and space!
:ill: To think what a MESS that would create, ieuww!! :ill:

Goddamn hypocritical bastard. But you have to realize, that just as there are christians who shake their head yes to everything he says, there are those who loathe his idiocy and realize that he is making a very bad name for them. Not that I am defending christians, though, because I would never do such a blasphemous thing.
I hate complainers!!!!

Looks like a boring site to me.

I hate complainers!!!!
But, isn't this complaining? :loco:
Looks like a boring site to me.
Then you're not finding the inherent humor of "Extreme Evil: Kids Killing Kids EZ Pack" and the "Kids Killing Kids Student's Guide." I know what this prig is trying to get across, but his syntax is such that I feel like I should buy this manual so I can train kids to kill kids... There's a LOT of stuff that's a) funny as hell and b) scary as hell about the site. The main thing is the belief of this clown that he's a good person. If you irritate mainstream Christianity into disowning you, odds are good, you're not that good...
Guess that's better than following your back and watching your heart...
OOOh, are you on a sharp edge today, kon!
Talking about contradictions!!

*pinch pinch pinch*

neal said:
oh you guys are mean. bob larson has a good heart, and lots of important things to say. so listen up, you might learn somthing.
Yeah, I guess we are kind of mean. I mean, he IS trying to save us from going to "Hell." I guess if I were possessed and didn't like it, I'd give him a call. Thanks, Neal. I feel better!

*frolics in the fields*

Hey, wait a minute!!! :ill:
What a fool.
SPECIAL NOTICE... In your effort to locate our web site, you may have encountered other sites devoted to attacking our ministry. Be aware that these sites contain misinformation, disinformation, twisted facts and outright lies. Many of these accusations are sinister distortions of reality and fabrications designed to look truthful. Our response is that of Nehemiah: "I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you (Nehemiah 6:3)?" To those who maliciously malign our efforts to reach the lost for Christ and see those in demonic bondage set free, we respond as our Savior commanded us. We "pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44).

This is pathetic. Listen to JASON'S STORY. A young man twisted by the demons of pornography.

He's 15, what do you expect him to read? Th chronicles of narnia?

Doesnt mention the fucking up and being nailed to a stick.

This fuck wants $4000 to join his "elite group"

I'm going to take a bastard axe to him if I ever see him.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Doesnt mention the fucking up and being nailed to a stick.
Precisely my point. He's currently a sissy hypocrite.
This fuck wants $4000 to join his "elite group"
If you give ME $4000, you can be in MY elite group!!! You'd be the only one, though... "I'll take your mama's teeth if they got gold in 'em!" :)

Like I said, I tried to listen to puberty-stricken Jason be exorcised, but I had to go the bathroom with some urgency when they were in the middle of the "I HATE YOU!" thing. Hell, I hate him, too, and it's not nothing to do with MY dad...

At that age, I was reading a steady mix of .info magazine, Dragonlance and whatever pictures the BBSs had up that were female. I think the thing that people who are blinded by the light forget is that it's REALLY hard to stamp out HUMAN NATURE.
That is the part of christianity that REALLY rubs me the wrong way.

They try to convince you to deny your humanity.

We are spiritual beings-having a human experience.

They use fear & emotional blackmail & call it love.

Sorry, no thanks.

That poor 15 year old kid.........Seriously, his parents should be arrested for abuse.

And just because you are a pastor does not mean that your connection to Spirit is any better or greater than anyone else's.

OK, I am done ranting for the moment.
I tell ya. WD's post really surprises me. Slagging Christian "evangelists" is SO cliche. Leave that to Glen Benton, who personally knows Larson. The song "GodMoney" was outdated when it was released.

I thought Nevermore outgrew that stuff after their debut, but apparently WD is prepping us for a forthcoming tune on EoR. Hrmm.

I can't judge Larson because I don't know him or much about his ministry. I do know that he has confronted the likes of Glen Benton and Trey Azigoth, and has apparently upset some demons and possibly satan, himself, so he can't be all that bad!!!!!

God and Heavy metal, a marriage made in heaven.