Super-sized Freak Pie.
Wow. He's better than a lot of people I know. Most people just say they know a lot, but are still journeying, learning....that sort of thing. If I knew there was a one-stop-shop for all my questions and learning guides, I'd have gone here FIRST...heck with the Edgar Cayce foundation, or all those hippie "new age" places.PiNkMaGGiT said:all you need to know about demons, the devil, angels, deliverance, exorcism, satanism, the occult, witchcraft & psychic phenomena.
You know...that hurt. I'll stop that, now.
My favorite saying, ever:
Considering "paganism" is the largest influence on any organized religion, today, this always kills me. You wouldn't have 80-90% of the ritualized practices in the Catholic church were it not for the Old Religions. And, for what it's worth, the pagans I hang out with (including me...), our "influence" tends to lean towards community service, honoring nature and taking care of our environment to give our children better places to live. This, of course, is diametrically opposed to the new "Rock Church" near us that obliterated 15 acres of natural deciduous forest to create a 10,000 member facility with stables for horses, an olympic size baptizing font (outdoor pool with steps...), and parking for 15,000. "We love all of God's creations" except the ones that get in the way of making our money machine.Influence of witchcraft and paganism in todays culture
This sounds like something we might need to ask Maisie about...Warnings about activities leading to demonic bondage.

You know what gets me? They BELIEVE they're doing "the right thing."