bob larson is a fucking whore

Mistress Masie said:
That is the part of christianity that REALLY rubs me the wrong way.
Tell me. My wife would agree with you. Basically all my hangups in life revolve around what I was brainwashed into believing as a pre-teen/teenager.

They try to convince you to deny your humanity.
Something else my wife harps on me about -- and rightly so. I've got this whacked out idea that I should be more than human, better than humanity's idea I doubt I came up with all by myself. In order be alive, you need to live life and in order to live life, you need to be ALIVE -- not trying to be beyond your life/means....if that doesn't make sense, I blame lack of sleep.

We are spiritual beings-having a human experience.
That's one of the best ways I've heard it put. Since I deal a lot with computers, my response is always, we're the illogical in the logical, but it's very true. Always searching, learning as much as we can, once you start reducing the number of ways you can ask questions, you greatly reduce the chances of finding the answers. When we remember that we're here to be here and not to be controlled, either willingly or not, life is much better.

They use fear & emotional blackmail & call it love. to speak. When it's to the point where you have to buy your way into a welcoming community, then it's no longer unconditional love, is it? The fear of God is what keeps most folk from sinning, or causes them to freak out because they sinned. It's not that they know what they did is right or wrong, but it's because they're afraid they're going to get the nosebleed seats in heaven, if not a trip to hell... "To thine one self be true..."

That poor 15 year old kid.........Seriously, his parents should be arrested for abuse.
Oh, definitely. His mother was "SAVED" by chunking $10K into this jack-ass's pockets. That gives her the right to sacrifice an open mind, a roaming intellect, a spirit in search of a direction? Just because the mother found something that was right for HER doesn't translate to it being right for anyone else, and subjecting her own son to that kind of mental anguish...jeez.

It's funny, I'm reading "The Order of the Phoenix," now, and there's a discussion of a particular curse that causes such pain in the mind that the person being cursed gives up fighting and succumbs just to make the pain stop. This is kind of how I look at being saved. I know that's a horrible attitude, but in my experience, the Christian idea of "saving" someone is to get them to shed their previous religious affiliations (since they're heathen, anyway), shed many aspects of their lives that were most likely integral, and moreover, shed aspects of themselves that made them THEM. That, to me, is cruel and unusual. It's also a big lie: "We love you! Well, except for this, this, this and this...which you must abandon fully, or you will burn in hell."

And just because you are a pastor does not mean that your connection to Spirit is any better or greater than anyone else's.
Sometimes, quite the opposite. The most spiritual people I knew were "laymen" and I know quite a few pastors who have almost lost their connection because of aspects of their churches that drive them to distraction. I guess it's very hard to have a strong spiritual connection when you're trying to babysit members of your church who are arguing amongst themselves, etc... Personally, I think this is why I'm a Solitary.

OK, I am done ranting for the moment.
That's OK! Despite what some one the board think, this kind of thing is good for the person venting, the person reading (differing perspectives are what make the world go around) and the world at large. If you pent all this up, you'd explode and that would make a mess, now wouldn't it. :)

Speaking of messes....I'm having to explain to my 10-year-old your sig. :hypno: Don't change it, though. I told him it's a facet of your personality, just as the Neo avatar is mine. Only, in your case, instead of "There is no spoon," it's "There are no clothes." :grin:
"The fear of God is what keeps most folk from sinning, or causes them to freak out because they sinned."

But it is also what brainwashes many people into following that religion instead of their minds.
I would never change my sig, sorry about your kidlett seeing it. But Dita is beautiful & I feel her nudes are more artistic than pornographic.

I like the way you think Kon. The minute I let myself have the human feelings & shed the guilt I got closer to Spirit than I ever was as a christian.
Pyrus said:
Do you exist for any reason other than to stir up shit, dude? It seems like you spend all your time finding a point a lot of people agree upon and then disagreeing with it.

But I'll assume you're joking; if so, then it's pretty damn funny.

I'm not here to disagree just to disagree, but I just find it amusing that WD would post something as off base as this on the BB. And, to point out the absolutely 'overkilled' subject matter. As a Christian, I'm not going to defend Larson on all matters on how he runs his ministry, but will defend him on other matters. I think that some of his approaches are not good for the Christian community, especially, evangelically. He specializes in spiritual warfare, which many people don't understand.

I just hope EoR doesn't have a song about Bob Larson. That would melt the cheese in the cheesiest metal.
"He specializes in spiritual warfare, which many people don't understand."

Hmm....many people don't understand spiritual warfare? That's an interesting way to put it, but I prefer to just call it ignorant.
I'd never ask you to change your sig. Personally, I feel that it's artistic, as well. I just had to field the question, "is she NAKED?" The response, "no, she's got straps on" didn't seem to satisfy him. :) The human body being naked is nothing to be ashamed of. Yet another cultural and religious imposition...
Mistress Masie said:
Just because someone disagrees with something does not mean they do not understand it.
Usually, it's quite the opposite, unless it's a knee-jerk reaction. If I disagree with something it's usually because it goes against what I believe, and if you don't understand something well enough to agree/disagree, then it also means you probably don't understand what you believe well enough... or something like that...

Spirtual warfare. Now THERE is a catch phrase.
Fighting to save your soul $1 at a time. :Spin: Why these folks don't put their "spiritual warfare" strategies to work doing something useful like pointing wayword spirits to their unfinished business so they can move on, or something like that is beyond me. I guess it's because of a preoccupation with statistics or something -- "I saved 47.5 unwashed peasants this week!" "Oh, yeah? I saved 65.314362445 unwashed peasants!!"

That's OK, when they go talk to St. Peter and he informs them that they have been bearing false witness and worshipping a false god (money), and gives them an RTA pass to their version of hell, they may begin to understand.
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Bob larsons hell= poor people. With no kids. So, if they were poor WITH kids, he'd take the kids as a down payment? :)
"I can't save you completely, but with the deposit of little Timmy you're 40% of the way there!"
Yeah but what use would the sheep slaves be? Sheep have been known to die in rainstorms because they look up to the sky and subseuqently drown.

I'd like to see Bob Larson's personal porn stash, myself...methinks he's persecuting that which he, himself, cannot overcome.