
NeedledWarheart said:
BAstard of Christ on a rocket powered motherfucking biike.
:lol: x 9834897328234

its more or less just the same shit 4 or 5 times, a JPM 1, a Rocktron intellifex online, and either a VHT power amp or the Marshall 92(6?)00

i think mine has more versatility then his, considering i have a outbourd dual 31 banc Grahic equalizer.:D his is more expensive, but that doesnt mean shit if he cant play it, or work it. it is quite inpressive i must say. hey yetti, go google "john pertuccis rack" and go to one of the first few sites. now THAT is a rack a porno model would envy.

oh BTW, he doesnt use all those at once. he only uses them one at a time, its just for different tones, thats why I have a Line 6, no need for all those JMP 1's lying around waiting to get stolen.
yeah, i've seen it. i wouldn't want it though. i'd rather have a few stompboxes. that may just be because i haven't really spent any time with a rackmount unit.

also, i read somewhere that petrucci used the new mesa road king to record DT's new album. that thing sounds awesome. too bad it probably costs 587654789856788-thousand bucks.