Bodom And Dimmu

Pyrus said:
Feh. They're utterly ridiculous - orchestral and synthesized crap covering up uninspired riffage. Whenever they get something good going, it takes about fifteen seconds for everything to denigrate into silly "EVIL KVLT CHEESE OF PH34R!!" keyboard-driven retardation. If you're going to do cheesy symphonic metal, get it RIGHT like Blind Guardian (at least, before the last album). This is just a wretched, screechy mish-mash of bad musical ideas with the occasional good one thrown in just to keep the listener hopeful that they'll stick with it. If I want black metal, I'll listen to Immortal or Destroyer 666; if I want symphonic metal, I'll put on Nightfall In Middle Earth or The Crimson Idol; if I want black symphonic metal, I'll hit myself because that largely sucks.

I would consider staying and just diving into the pit, but I'm taking my 12-year old sister, so that's kind of not an option. Ah well. Nevermore will return headlining eventually, I'm sure.

Testament Legions said:
I agree that Dimmu is a talented AND popular band, but one of the reasons why the tour will do very well IS because of Nevermore being on the bill.

The Nevermore/Arch Enemy shows have been selling out in Europe.

Europeans aren't too picky TL...look who headlined Wacken ;)

In Portland Nevermore sells better than Dimmu..the last two times I've seen DB thay've sucessfully cleared out the venue of all non-black metal fans..really fast! They get on stupid bills with bands like fuckin Cannibal Corpse...what Cannibal corpse fan is into symphonic black metal? The only other band I saw clear the venue out like that was Iced Earth..and considering Jon's ego..that was pretty funny! Both bands were really great live...and the people who left were missing out IMO.

I'm definitely looking forward to Nevermore the most though...I freaking LOVE those guys!!!!!!!!!
well hell ya, im definitly gonna be at he HoB show in hollywood, no way in hell im gonna miss bodom, or dimmu, its gona be megasick...itll be good to see some of the real metalheads in southern CA, alot of legions should be there
Some stoned dudes could be nice haha because i went to a cof concert and i'm they were all YEA u wanna see cradle?? and im all YEA then they were all come here and stand here...aha so i could get a better view:)